@My name is Corentin Le Guillou, and I come from France. I will spend 5 months in Matsuyama, till the middle of July. I am a graduate student from the"Magistere Interuniversitaire de
@L'ecole Normale Superieure"in Paris. My education includes one semester in a foreign country for a research internship. Now, all my classmates are around the world.... Personally, I have chosen Japan for its unique culture that is really worth to discover, very close and very far from the European culture at the same time.
@I am working in the high-pressure laboratory under the supervision of professor Irifune and F. Brunet (Invited scientist, JSPS fellow).
@My research here is related to diamond formation in Nature. My work will focus on the study of the formation mechanisms and formation kinetics of diamond under high-temperature (> 1800 K) and high-pressure using the multi-anvil apparatus. Various starting materials will be compressed from perfect graphite to disorganized carbon. The run products will be characterized by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. I will also use the high-technology Focus Ion Beam technique to prepare the samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy. I will benefit from the help and the skill of the GRC staff to use these various characterization methods.
@I have been here for two months now, and I have already seen a lot of wonderful landscapes and cultural stuffs, like the mountains of Shikoku, the hot springs, the volcanoes of Kyushu, the typical houses and temples.
@I really enjoy living here, close to the nature, the sea and the mountain, always riding a bike which should be use in all towns around the world, even in Paris and New York. I appreciate Japanese food and language and I am actually trying to learn it, even if it doesn't go as fast as I would like.
@I hope I will discover as many new experiences as possible in five months, and basically have good time in Matsuyama.


Corentin Le Guilou