GRC−ITAGワークショップ in 北京


 北京大学宇宙地球科学院・理論応用地球物理学研究所(ITAG)のJohn Chen所長と入舩GRCセンター長との間で、GRCとITAG間で緊密な研究交流をおこなうことが合意されました。これに伴い、学術創成研究の一環として2004年9月8日〜11日の4日間、北京で両者を中心としたワークショップ"GRC-ITAG Joint Conference on Earth's Interior Dynamics: Mineral Physics, Seismology and Tectonics (仮題)"を下記の要領で開催することになりました。 GRC教官・研究員・大学院生を始め、学外客員研究員、学内研究員等の参加を歓迎致します。詳細はGRCホームページにおいて順次公開予定です。
  Prof. Y. John Chen, ITAG
  Prof. Xiaofei Chen, ITAG
  Prof. Tetsuo Irifune, GRC
  Prof. Dapeng Zhao, GRC

1. To promote active collaborations between Geodynamics Research Center
  (GRC), Ehime University, Japan and the Institute of Theoretical and
  Applied Geophysics (ITAG), Peking University;
2. To provide scientists and students of the two institutions and as well
  from other institutions in China a forum for exchange of ideas and
  research results on a variety of subjects including global and
  regional tectonics and deep Earth dynamics; and
3. More importantly, to provide the Chinese and Japanese students an
  opportunity to present and discuss their research work in English at
  the setting of an international conference in order to enhance their
  scientific otivation.

  80 scientists, post-doc researchers, and graduate students, including
  40 from ITAG, Peking University, 20 from GRC, Ehime University, and 20
  from institutions in China.

  The four days will include three days of lectures and one day of field
  excursion of both geology and the Great Wall. There will be 8 invited
  keynote lectures (60 minutes), 8 invited lectures (30 minutes), and 19
  contributed talks (15 minutes). Among the invited lectures, 7 are from
  ITAG, 6 from GRC, and 3 from other institutions in China. Poster
  Sessions will also be scheduled for students.

(September 8, Wednesday)
  Welcome, introduction, and meeting logistics
  Morning Session : Mineral Physics and Deep Earth dynamics I
  Afternoon Session : Mineral Physics and Deep Earth dynamics II
  Poster viewing
  Formal dinner
(September 9, Thursday)
  Morning Session : Seismology and Global Tectonics
  Afternoon Session : Regional Tectonics Poster viewing
(September 10, Friday)
  Morning Session : Subduction Tectonics
  Afternoon: Geophysical facilities and Lab visits
(September 11, Saturday)
  Field trip of geology and the Great Wall

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