Micro-sample analytical systems
Electron microscope and the related apparatus

Field emission electron probe microanalyzer
FE-EPMA is characterized by a field-emission gun and high-power optics, which enables high-resolution imaging at magnifications as high as x100,000.
In addition to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), it is equipped with five wave-dispersive spectrometers (WDS).
This FE-EPMA is mainly used for textural observation and chemical analysis of the sample recovered from high-pressure experiments.
In addition to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), it is equipped with five wave-dispersive spectrometers (WDS).
This FE-EPMA is mainly used for textural observation and chemical analysis of the sample recovered from high-pressure experiments.

Scanning electron microscope (Field-emission electron gun type)
This FE-SEM enables ultra high-resolution imaging at magnifications between x50 and x40000. An energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic detector (EDS detector: Oxford X-max50) and an electron back-scattered diffraction detector (EBSD camera: Oxford C-Nano) are equipped to the FE-SEM for quantitative analyses of chemical compositions and crystallographic orientations in samples, respectively.

Scanning electron microscope (thermionic-emission electron gun type)
This SEM enables high-resolution imaging at magnifications between x50 and x3000. An energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic detector (EDS detector: Oxford X-max20) is equipped to the SEM for quantitative analyses of chemical compositions in samples.

Transmission electron microscope
The JEOL JEM-2100F is a 200 kV field emission transmission electron microscope with a point-to-point resolution of 0.23 nm. The microscope is capable of qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses using a JEOL SSD energy dispersive x-ray detector and a Gatan Continuum S detector. This TEM is equipped with a side-mounted CCD camera and a bottom-mounted CMOS camera that enable the high-resolution in-situ data acquisition.

Transmission electron microscope
This 200 kV TEM is used to analyze microtexture and crystal structure of minerals/materials at micro- to nano scales. It is equipped with two CCD cameras (Gatan, Orius 200D and Orius 1000 (for high-resolution imaging)) . Specimens are usually prepared by FIB or ion slicer or PIPS to be thin enough (< 100 nm thick), but powdered samples are also acceptable.

Dual beam FIB (1)
(FEI Ltd., Scios)
Dual beam FIB (2)
(Thermo Fischer Scientific, Scios2)
(FEI Ltd., Scios)
Dual beam FIB (2)
(Thermo Fischer Scientific, Scios2)
Focused ion beam(Dual beam)processing systems①②
Scios enables us to perform submicron-level microfabrication by irradiating a sample with a gallium ion beam. Using both an ion gun and an electron gun, we can observe secondary electron images while processing. It is used for cross-sectional observation of samples, thin film preparation for transmission electron microscope observation, and diamond anvil tip microfabrication.
・Ion slicer (JEOL, EM-09100 IS)
・Ar ion milling (PIPS)
X-ray and the other spectrometers

Micro-focus X-ray diffractometer
X-ray diffraction from the micro area of the sample can be detected by the curved imaging plate. Dual wavelengths (Cu or Mo) are available. CuKα is generally used for the reflection and the transmission measurement. MoKα enable us to measure XRD pattern of the high pressure sample in DAC due to its high penetrating power.

Rigaku, UltimalV/DD
Multipurpose X-ray diffraction system for horizontal sample mounting
X-ray diffraction from the powder or thin sample can be detected by goniometer. User can choose the parallel, the focusing, and the small angle X-ray scattering geometries depending on the purpose. The scintillation counter and the 1 dimensional high-speed position sensitive detector are installed as a detector. This diffractometer is useful for the phase identification and the unit cell parameter refinement.
・Raman spectrometers (JEOL, NRS-5100gr;JEOL, NRS-4500;PHOTON Design, RSM 800)
・Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FT-IR (Jasco, IRT-5200EUO)
・UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer (Jasco, V-670)