Invited Talk and Keynote Lecture


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Ishimatsu, N. Applications of Nanopolycrystalline Diamond Anvils to X-ray Absorption
Spectroscopy under High Pressure, 2024 APS/CNM Users Meeting. Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Gréaux, S.Elastic wave velocity measurements at high pressure and high temperature and its applications to the study of Earth’s interior,High Energy Density Science Center Seminar (Hybrid), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory2024.03招待講演・国際
入舩徹男超高圧力を利用した透明ナノセラミックスの合成,一般社団法人ワイドギャップ半導体学会特別事業-特別公開シンポジウム- チュートリアル講演:各種バルク材料の成長・合成の最前線,姫路キャッスルグランヴィリオホテル&Online2023.09招待講演
Irifune, T.Multi-anvil technology and applications to novel materials synthesis, 28th AIRAPT and 60th EHPRG, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, UK2023.07受賞講演・国際
Irifune, T.Multi-anvil static high-pressure technology and its applications to deep Earth and materials sciences, 11th International Workshop on Warm Dense Matter (WDM2023), Awaji Island, Hyogo2023.06招待講演・国際
Kono, Y.Tetrahedral symmetry breaking in SiO2 glass under pressure observed by in situ pair distribution function measurement, 11th International Workshop on Warm Dense Matter (WDM2023), Awaji Island, Hyogo2023.06招待講演・国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Inoue, S.Formation of Mn oxide nanowire on the surfaces of Fe oxide,5th International Seminar “High-Pressure Mineralogy:Theory and Experiment”,広島大学(Zoom)2023.01招待講演,国際
入舩徹男超高圧を利用した透明ナノセラミックスの合成とその特徴,第28回ヤングセラミスト・ミーティング in 中四国,愛媛大学2022.12特別講演
Tsuchiya, J.First principles investigations of proton dynamics in hydrous phases at high pressure conditions, 2022 IUCr High-Pressure Workshop, Argonne National Lab, Chicago, USA2022.12特別講演,国際
土屋旬第一原理経路積分分子動力学計算による氷高圧相の弾性特性, 第五回ハイドロジェノミクス研究会(Online)2022.10招待講演
飯塚理子, 後藤弘匡. 市東力, 森悠一郎, 福山鴻, 服部高典, 佐野亜沙美, 舟越賢一, 鍵裕之地球コアにおける軽元素と水のふるまい:高温高圧中性子回折実験によるアプローチ, 2022年度日本地球化学会69回年会, 高知大学&オンライン2022.09基調講演
Tsuchiya, T.Core-mantle chemical interactions from ab initio calculations, The 17th Symposium of SEDI (SEDI 2022), Switzerland & Online2022.07基調講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio evaluations on transport properties/element partitioning under deep earth conditions, The High Pressuer Gordon Conference, Holderness School NH, USA2022.07招待講演,国際
Ohuchi, T.Shearing, plastic deformations, strin-induced phase transitions, non-equilibrium processes,2022 High-pressure crystallography Erice course (Zoom)2022.06招待講演,国際
土屋旬地球深部へと水のバトンをつなぐ鉱物たち(ランチタイムスペシャルレクチャー),JpGU 2022(Hybrid)2022.05招待講演
Sakai, T.High pressure generation over 4 megabar and pressure scale issue, JpGU 2022(Hybrid)2022.05招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Krstulovic, M., Rosa, A., Biedermann, N., Sanchez, D.F., Libon, L., Albers, C., Mekulova, M., Grolimund, D., Irifune, T., Wilke, M.The role of compoition and temperature in th densification mechanisms of aluminosilicate melts at lower mantle conditions, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online2021.12招待講演,国際
Matsumoto, R., Terashima, K., Nakano, S., Nakamura, K., Yamamoto, T.D., Sakai, T., Irifune, T., Adachi, S., Takeya, H., Takamo, Y.Development of diamond anvil cell for superconducting materials research under high temperature and high pressure, Materials Research Meeting 2021, Pacifico Yokohama North, Yokohama2021.12招待講演,国際
Thompson, E.C., Liu, Z., Tsuchiya, J., Campbell, A.FeOOH polymorphs in th deep earth: combining theoretical and experimental approaches, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online2021.12招待講演,国際
Nishihara, Y.Crystallographic-preferred orientation and microstructure of deformed MnGeO3 perovskite,東北大学GP-EESでは学生企画セミナー,Zoom2021.12招待講演,国際
Knibbe, J., Rivoldini, A., Namur, O., Mezouar, M., Berndt, J., Neuville, D.R., Hoolst, T.V., Luginbuhi, S.M., Charlier, B., Sifre, D., Kono, Y., Westrenen, W.V.Constraining mecury's interior structure by density and p-wave velocity measrements of liquid Fe-Si-C alloys, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online2021.12招待講演,国際
Siersch, N., Xu, F., Marceline, A-E., Greaux, S., Rivoldini, A., Kuwahara, H., Kondo, N., Wehr, N., Menguy, N., Kono, Y., Higo, Y., Plesa, A-C., Badro, J., Antonangeli, D.Experimental studies on phase equilibria, denity and sound velocities of martian mantle assemblages, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online2021.12招待講演,国際
Siersch, N., Xu, F., Marceline, A-E., Greaux, S., Rivoldini, A., Kuwahara, H., Kondo, N., Wehr, N., Menguy, N., Kono, Y., Higo, Y., Plesa, A-C., Badro, J., Antonangeli, D.Experimental studies on phase equilibria, denity and sound velocities of martian mantle assemblages, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online2021.12招待講演,国際
Hrubiak, R., Guoyin, S., Kenney-Benson, C., Park, C., Bommannavar, A., Shu, Y., Ohira, I., Kono, Y.New developments in large volume static sompression with in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction at high pressure collaborative access team (HPCAT) at the advanced photon source, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11招待講演,国際
Sakai, T.Pressure scale issue and the equation of state of iron at multi-megabar pressure, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11招待講演,国際
Kono, Y., Ohira, I., Shu, Y., Wang, Y., Shen, G. Structure measurement of silicate and oxide glasses under ultrahigh pressure conditions to >100 Gpa, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11基調講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., Ito, K.Ab inition computation on the element distribution between liquid metal and molten silicate, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11招待講演,国際
Greaux, S., Kuwahara, H., Kono, Y., Higo, Y., Mitsu, K., Ohira, I., Kondo, N. and Irifune, T.Sound velocities of mantle rock aggregates at simultaneous high pressure and high temperature: Implications for the structure of the mantle transition region, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond to ultrahigh-pressure technology:Some recent advances, 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (Zoom), Korea2021.11基調講演,国際
河野義生高温高圧下における液体・非晶質物質のPDF解析,Spring-8シンポジウム2021: Online,Spring-82021.09招待講演
土屋旬土屋卓久H/D partitioning between forsterite, wadsleyite and ringwoodite: ab initio fr nergy calculation, JpGU 2021 (Online)2021.06招待講演,国際
大村訓史,土屋卓久高圧環境下における液体鉄混合系の物性,JpGU 2021 (Online)2021.06招待講演
近藤望河野義生,尾原幸治,中田亮一,伊奈稔哲,Skrzypek Etienne,山田明寛,齊藤哲Interaction between cerium and H2O in hydrous rhyolitic melts, JpGU 2021 (Online)2021.06招待講演
福山鴻,鍵裕之,井上徹,柿澤翔,新名亨,佐野有司,高畑直人,菱田俊一,Deligny Cécile, Füri Evelyn下部マントル条件下での鉄の取り込みによるフェロペリクレース及びブリッジマナイトの窒素溶解度の増加,JpGU 2021: Online2021.06招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Kono, Y. Research with PE press, Compact Synchrotron Sources and New X-ray Science Opportunities, University of Hawaii (Zoom)2021.03招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio calculations of PVT-EoS of matters2021.02招待講演,国際
Chen, B., Zhang, J., Lai, X., Zhu, F., Tkachev, S.N., Prakapenka, V.B., Fu, S., Tsuchiya, J., Gao, J., Zhang, D., Sinogeikin, S.V. and Lin, J.F.Elastic hardening upon appraching hydrogen-bond symmetrization in high-pressure ice polymorphs: experiments and calculations, AGU Fall Meeting 20202020.12招待講演,国際
大平格アメリカ合衆国滞在記, 第61回高圧討論会, オンライン会議2020.12招待講演
Tsuchiya, T., Dekura, H. and Ritterbex, S.,Physical proprties o minerals in the ultrahigh-pressure planetary inrior conditions from ab initio computations, 732 WE-Heradus-Seminar (Online)2020.10招待講演,国際
Ritterbex, S. and Tsuchiya, T.Does Earth's inner core oscillate ad translate anomalously?, TimeMan Virtual Seminars Series, University of Lille, France(Zoom)2020.10招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Application of multianvil LVP technology to ultrahigh pressure synthesis of transparent ano-ceramics, 58th European High Pressure Research Group International Conference, Hotel Smy Puerto de la Cruz, Spain2020.09特別講演,国際
Nishi, M., Hatakeyama, T. and Irifune, T.The role of deep water cycle on the core-mantle interaction,International Workshop on Development of multi-anvil technology, and its applications to lower-mantle research and material sciences,Bayerisches Geointitut, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Zoom)2020.09招待講演,国際
Zhou, Y.A conventional way of heating up to 3200 K near 24 Gpa using Kawai-type press and some applications,International Workshop on Development of multi-anvil technology, and its aplications to lower-mantle research and material sciences,Bayerisches Geointitut, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Zoom)2020.09招待講演,国際
Greaux, S., Kono, Y., Higo, Y. and Irifune, T.Towards ultrasonic measurements at lower mantle P and T conditions in the multi-anvil apparatus,International Workshop on Development of multi-anvil technology, and its aplications to lower-mantle research and material sciences,Bayerisches Geointitut, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Zoom)2020.09招待講演,国際
Tsujino, N., Yamazaki, D. and Nishihara, Y.,In-situ stress-strain measurements of bridgmanite using D-111 apparatus, International Workshop on Development of multi-anvil technology, and its aplications to lower-mantle research and material sciences,Bayerisches Geointitut, University of Bayreuth, Germany (Zoom)2020.09招待講演,国際
Nishihara, Y.Pressure effect on temperature measurements using thermocouples and its geophysical impact,BGI Seminar (Seminar series:Experimentelle Geochemie und Geophysik):Zoom2020.08招待講演,国際
野村龍一,東真太郎,上杉健太郎,西原遊入舩徹男Torsional deformation experiments at Mbar pressures toward understanding deep Earth rheology, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020:Virtual 2020.07招待講演,国際
桑山靖弘,Morard Guillaume,中島陽一,廣瀬敬,Baron Alfred,河口沙織,土屋卓久,石川大介,平尾直久,大石泰生Equation of state for liquid iron under extreme conditions,JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020:Virtual2020.07招待講演,国際
Ryu, Y. J., Wang, Y., Yu, T., Prakapenka, V., Jing, Z., Xu, M., Prescher, C., Greenberg, E., Tkachev, S., Watso, H., Kono, Y., Eng, P. and Stubbs, J.A multifaceted experimental approach to studying silicate liquids under high pressure, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020:Virtual2020.07招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Irifune, T.Synthesis of transparent nano-ceramics under ultrahigh pressure, Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama Symposia2019.12招待講演,国際
Wang, Y., Shi, F., Ohfuji, H., Gasc, J., Nishiyama, N., Yu, T., Shinmei, T., Irifune, T.Nanopolycrystalline diamond:strength and mechanisms of plastic deformation, Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama Symposia2019.12招待講演,国際
Matsumoto, R., Zhufeng, H., Yamamoto, S., Adachi, S., Nagao, M., Song, P., Saito, Y., Yamamoto, T.D., Terashima, K., Tanaka, H., Irifune, T., Takeya, H., Terakura, K., Takano, Y.Data-driven exploration for pressure-induced superconductors using novel diamond anvil cell with boron-doped diamond electrodes, Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama Symposia2019.12招待講演,国際
Iga, F., Matsuhara, W., Nakayama, H., Yamada, T., Takemori, H., Matsuo, A., Matsuda, Y.H., Kohama, Y., Kindo, K., Shinmei, T., Kunimoto, T., Irifune, T., Nishiyama, N., Sato, Hitoshi, Kagayama, T., Shimizu, K.Material design of light rare-earth dodecaborides by high pressure synthesis and novel feature of kondo insulator YbB12, Materials Research Meeting 2019, Yokohama Symposia2019.12招待講演,国際
Greaux, S., Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y.Sound velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite and its implications for the deep mantle mineralogy, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA2019.12招待講演,国際
Sakai, T.Inter-comparison of equations of state at multi-megabar pressure, The 27th AIRAPT International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2019.08招待講演,国際
Kono, Y., Shu, Y., Kenney-Benson, C., Wang, Y. and Shen, G.Ultrahigh pressure polyamorphism in GeO2 and SiO2 glasses with coordination number>6, 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG2019), Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Boston, MA, USA2019.06招待講演,国際
入舩 徹男Sound velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite suggests the presence of basaltic crust beneath 660 km depth, ,FY2019 Site Visit (ELSI),東京工業大学ELSI2019.06招待講演
Irifune, TSynthesis, features, and applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond: Toward multi-Mbar pressures in multianvil apparatuss, High pressure school at the ESRF, ESRF(France)2019.06招待講演,国際
大内智博、雷興林、肥後祐司、丹下慶範Semi-brittle flow in dunite and harzburgite at upper mantle pressures、日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演,国際
Kono, Y., Shu, Y., Kenney-Benson, C., Wang, Y. and Shen, G.Ultrahigh pressure structure change in SiO2 glass with coordination number >6, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演,国際
河野義生大容量プレスを活用した動的地球科学研究の開拓:特に液体の高圧放射光X線実験について, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演,国際
仲村康秀、堀梨栄、辻彰洋、大藤弘明、鈴木紀毅、木元克典Structural difference between phaeodarians and radioloarians (unicellular zooplankton), 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演,国際
宮腰剛広、亀山真典、小河正基スーパーアースのマントル対流シミュレーション, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演,国際
大村訓史、土屋卓久Ab initio molecular dynamics study of atomic diffusion in covalent liquid under high pressure, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会、(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演, 国際
東真太郎、野村龍一、上杉健太朗、西原遊、土居峻太、有本岳史、入舩徹男Development of the rotational diamond anvil cell for high-pressure deformation experiments and its measurement systems、日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演
大内智博、雷興林、肥後祐司、丹下慶範Semi-brittle flow in dunite and harzburgite at upper mantle pressures、日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演
Kono, Y., Shu, Y., Kenney-Benson, C., Wang, Y. and Shen, G.Ultrahigh pressure structure change in SiO2 glass with coordination number >6, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演, 国際
辻野典秀、山崎大輔、西原遊D111型高圧発生装置を用いたブリッジマナイトの一軸変形実験, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会(JpGU2019)、幕張メッセ2019.05招待講演, 国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType 
河野義生,Experimental study of structure of oxide glasses under ultrahigh pressure conditions of >100 GPa, and discovery of ultrahigh pressure polyamorphism in GeO2 and SiO2 glasses with coordination number >6,第7回極限物質科学研究会,理研和光(埼玉県和光市)2019.02招待講演
Tsuchiya, J., Nishida, R. and Tsuchiya, T.First principles calculation of the stability of iron bearing carbonates at high pressure conditions, Deep Carbon 2019, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington DC, USA2019.01招待講演,国際,ポスター
Inoue, T.Water in Earth's lower mantle2019.01招待講演, 国際
土屋卓久Application of ab initio simulations to element partitioning2019.01招待講演
Thompson, E. C., Davis, A., Bausch, H., Liu, Z., Campbell, A., Tsuchiya, J. and Jacobsen, S. D.The influence of hydrogen bonding on the material properties of hydrous phases, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA2018.12招待講演, 国際
Matsushita, M.Leading principal of a formation process of 18R-type long-period stacking ordered structure from hcp-Mg phase in Mg alloys, The 4th International Symposium on Long-Period Stacking Ordered Structure and Mille-feuille Structure (LPSO2018), , ホテルメルパルク熊本, 熊本2018.12招待講演, 国際
大藤 弘明実験室と天然におけるグラファイト-ダイヤモンド相転移と結晶化・組織化メカニズム, 東北大学金属材料研究所 共同利用ワークショップ「放射光物質構造科学の新展開:高圧物質科学と地球惑星科学」,東北大学 金属材料研究所講堂2018.12招待講演
Inoue, T.Water in the mantle: based on high pressure experiments,中国科学院地球化学研究所(貴陽),中国2018.11招待講演, 国際
Inoue, T.Water in the mantle: based on high pressure experiments,中国工程物理研究院 (綿陽),中国2018.11招待講演, 国際
Inoue, T.Water in the mantle: based on high pressure experiments,四川大学原子分子物理研究所(成都),中国2018.11招待講演, 国際
Irifune, T.Ultrahigh-pressure synthesis and applications of transparent nano-polycrystalline minerals,オーストラリア国立大学地球科学研究所でのセミナー,オーストラリア国立大学地球科学研究所2018.08招待講演, 国際
Badro, J., Nomura, R., Aubert, J., Siebert, J., Blanchard, I. and Hirose, K.Magnesium partitioning between Earth's mantle and core and its consequence on an early geodynamo, Goldschmidt2018, Boston, MA, USA2018.08基調講演, 国際
Nomura, R.Torsional Deformation Experiments at Mbar Pressures Using Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell,Gordon Research Conference: Research at High Pressure,Holderness School in Holderness NH, United States2018.7.19招待講演・口頭・国際
Nomura, R.Torsional deformation Experiments at Mbar pressures using rotational diamond anvil cell,Study of the Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI),Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS) University of Alberta2018.7.10招待講演・口頭・国際
Chen, S. L., Jansson, M., Ishikawa, F., Chen, W. M. and Buyanova, I. A.GaAs/GaNAs core/shell nanowires - a promising platform for nanoscale optoelectronics, Nanowire Week 2018, Hamilton, Canada2018.06招待講演・口頭・国際
大藤弘明、淺野奈津子、鍵裕之Origin of carbonado, an enigmatic polycrystalline diamond deduced from its microtexture and inclusions,日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会(JpGU2018),幕張メッセ2018.5.22招待講演・口頭
入舩徹男透明ナノセラミックスの超高圧合成,公益財団法人 日本セラミックス協会北陸支部 春季特別講演会,石川県工業試験場(金沢:石川)2018.05招待講演
木村友亮Sound velocity measurement of NH3 under high pressure and temperature conditions using CO2-laser heated diamond anvil cell combined with Brillouin spectroscopy,大阪大学2018.05招待講演
木村友亮, 大藤弘明, 入舩徹男両側CO2レーザー加熱システムを用いたMgOの高圧融点決定,関西光科学研究所, 京都2018.05受賞講演
Ritterbex, S., Harada, T., and Tsuchiya, T.How high-pressure phase transitions can alter mantle rheology: on self-diffusion in B2-type MgO, EGU 2018, Vienna2018.4.12招待講演・口頭・国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType 
Dekura, H.First-Principles Investigation of Thermal Transport Property of Earth's Lowermost Mantle (SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing), Waseda university2018.3.10招待講演・口頭・国際
Tsuchiya, J., Thompson, E. C., Tsuchiya, T., Nishi, M. and Kuwayama, Y.First principles investigation of high pressure behavior of FeOOH-AlOOH-phase H (MgSiO4H2) system, AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA2017.12.13招待講演・国際
Nishi, M., Kuwayama, Y., Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T. and Irifune, T.The high-pressure phase transitions of hydroxides, AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA2017.12.11招待講演・国際
Nishi, M., Kuwayama, Y., Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T. and Irifune, T.High-pressure phase transitions in AlOOH and FeOOH, High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, France2017.9.27招待講演・国際
Inoue, T., Kakizawa, S. and Noda, M.Importance of various type of Al substitutions into bridgmanites under high pressure, High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, France2017.9.26招待講演・口頭・国際
Ohfuji, H.Some recent developments in electron microscopy analysis of samples recovered from high pressure experiments, High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, France2017.9.25招待講演・国際
Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J., Dekura, H., Xiong, Z., Ritterbex, S., Wang, X. and Ichikawa, H.Theory and computation for high-pressure mineral physics, High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar (HPMPS-9), Saint Malo, France2017.9.25基調講演・国際
Irifune, T.Synthesis of novel nano-ceramics using large-volume multi-anvil press, AIRAPT26 Joint with ACHPR 8 & CHPC 19, Beijing(China National Convention Center), China2017.8.22特別講演・国際
Tsuchiya, T.Theoretical mineral physics for mantle science, AIRAPT 26, Beijing, China2017.8.21招待講演・国際・口頭
Tsuchiya, J., Thompson, E. C., Tsuchiya, T., Nishi, M. and Kuwayama, Y.First principles investigation of the high-pressure behavior of the FeOOH-AlOOH-phase H (MgSiO4H2) system, IAG-IASPEI (Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy and the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior), Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe2017.8.2招待講演・国際
Irifune, T.Synthesis of ultrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond and its applications to high-pressure science and technology, The Tenth International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-10), Mielparque-Yokohama, Yokohama2017.8.2招待講演・国際
Irifune, T.Ultrahigh-pressure synthesis and applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond: history and current status, CAEP(China Academy of Engineering Physics), China2017.6.9招待講演・国際
Irifune, T.Recent advances in synthesis and applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond, 四川大学, China2017.6.9招待講演・国際
桑原秀治,小川展弘,山口飛鳥,鹿児島渉悟,佐野有司,入舩徹男Fluorine and chlorine fractionation during magma ocean solidification: Implications for the origin and abundance of terrestrial halogens,日本地球惑星科学連合会2017年大会(JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017),幕張メッセ国際会議場2017.5.22招待講演・国際
Litasov, K., Martirosyan, N., Ohfuji, H., Lobanov, S. and Goncharov, A.Iron-carbonate interaction in the lower mantle and at the core-mantle boundary, 日本地球惑星科学連合会2017年大会(JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017),幕張メッセ国際会議場2017.5.22招待講演・国際
Maxim Ballmer, Diogo Lourenco, Kei Hirose, Razvan Caracas, Ryuichi NomuraReconciling magma-ocean crystallization models with the present-day structure of the Earth's mantle, 日本地球惑星科学連合会2017年大会(JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017),幕張メッセ国際会議場2017.5.20招待講演・国際
Xianlong Wang, Taku Tsuchiya, Zhi ZengEffects of Fe and Al incorporations on MgSiO3 postperovskite phase bounddary, 日本地球惑星科学連合会2017年大会(JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017),幕張メッセ国際会議場2017.5.20招待講演・国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType 
Townsend, J. P., Tsuchiya, J., Bina, C. R. and Jacobsen, S. D.Water partitioning between bridgmanite, postperovskite, and periclse in the lowermost mantle, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco2016.12.14招待講演,国際
Caracas, R., Nomura, R., Hirose, K., Ballmer, M. and Jackson, M. G.Melts of the early Earth. An ab initio computational perspective, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco2016.12.12招待講演,国際
Ohta, K., Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Shimizu, K., Ohishi, Y., Yagi, T. and Suehiro, S.Experimental determnation of the electrical and thermal conductivity of iron at Earth's core conditions, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco2016.12.12招待講演,国際
Mookherjee, M., Tsuchiya, J., Hermann, A. and Speziale, S.High-pressure behavior of hydrous phases, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco2016.12.12招待講演,国際
Fei, H., Yamazaki, D., Sakurai, M., Miyajima, N., Ohfuji, H., Katsura, T. and Yamamoto, T.Dislocation mobility in ringwoodite and bridgmanite as functions of temperature and water content, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco2016.12.12招待講演,国際
Ohfuji, H. and Irifune, T.Synthesis and properties of ultrahard, transparent nanopolycrystalline diamond, 12th Laser Ceramics Symposium(International Symposium on Transparent Ceramics for Photonic Applications), Saint Louis, France2016.11.30基調講演,国際
Tsuchiya, J.High pressure transition of FeOOH in the lower mantle, Deep Carbon Observatory Extreme Physics and Chemistry Group 2016 Workshop, Stanford University, USA2016.11.12招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Nano-polycrystalline diamond and applications to deep Earth mineralogy, 2016 International Conference on the Earth's Deep Interior, New beacon Luguang International Hotel in Wuhan, China2016.11.05基調講演,国際
入舩徹男高温・超高圧を利用した透明ナノセラミックスの合成,No.16-33熱工学コンファレンス2016(一般社団法人 日本機械学会),愛媛大学城北キャンパス グリーンホール2016.10.22特別講演
大藤弘明微細組織から探る鉱物の結晶化プロセス~天然鉱物から世界最硬の人造ダイヤまで~,2016 SEM Users Meeting, 千里ライフサイエンスセンター2016.07.08招待講演
大藤弘明微細組織から探る鉱物の結晶化プロセス~天然鉱物から世界最硬の人造ダイヤまで~,2016 SEM Users Meeting, 東京大学2016.07.01招待講演
Kagi, H., Shiraishi, N., Senda, R., Suzuki, K., Asano, N. and Ohfuji, H.Mantle origin of natural polycrystalline diamond, carbonado, inferred from inclusion chemistry, Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama2016.06.29招待講演,国際
井上徹,柿澤翔,藤野清志,栗林貴弘,長瀬敏郎,Greaux, S.,肥後祐司,坂本直哉,圦本尚義,服部高典,佐野亜沙美Hydrous bridgmanite: Water storage capacity in the lower mantle,日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会,幕張メッセ国際会議場2016.05.25招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Deep mantle mineralogy and novel materials synthesis using multianvil high-pressure technology(Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture), Vienna, Austria2016.04.20受賞講演・国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType 
Tsuchiya, T.Composition of the Earth from ab initio mineral physics, 1st neutrino oscillation tomography workshop, ERI, Tokyo,2016.01招待講演・口頭・国際
Tsuchiya, J. and Tsuchiya, T.First principles investigation of Fe and Al bearing phase H, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA2015.12招待講演・口頭・国際
Nishi, M., Kuwayama, Y., Tsuchiya, J. and Irifune, T.The stability of Al, Fe-bearing phase H and a new pyrite-type hydroxide at high pressures, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco2015.12招待講演・口頭・国際
Stagno, V.Experimental studies at high pressure and temperature on the stability of carbon, carbides and carbonates in the Earth, Seminar, Sapienza University in Rome, Italy2015.12.14招待講演・口頭・国際
Gr?aux, S., Nishi, M., Tange, Y., Kawai, K., Ichikawa, H., Irifune, T. and Maruyama, SMaking planets from melting of chondrites at ultra high-P and T. Workshop: "The origin of the solar system, early evolution, and the birth of life", 岡山大学地球物質科学研究センター2015.11.26招待講演・口頭
井上徹,柿澤翔,Cai, N.,藤野清志,栗林貴弘,長瀬敏郎,Greaux, S.,肥後祐司,坂本直哉,圦本尚義,服部高典,佐野亜沙美高圧含水鉱物の合成とそのキャラクタリゼーション,第56回高圧討論会,JMSアステールプラザ,広島(2015.11.10~12)2015.11.10招待講演・口頭
Inoue, T.The stability and water solubility of high pressure hydrous and nominally anhydrous minerals in the mantle, International Seminar "High-Pressure Mineralogy: Theory and Experiment", Moscow State University, Russia2015.10.22招待講演・口頭・国際
Irifune, T.Synthesis of nano-polycrystalline diamond and related materials, Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russia2015.10.21招待講演・口頭・国際
Tsuchiya, T.Matter in extreme condition, JSEDI (Japan Study of the Earth's Deep Interior) Symposium 2015, 東京大学地震研究所(2015.9.24~26)2015.09.24招待講演・口頭
Aulbach, S. and Stagno, V.Mantle redox evolution inferred from eclogites: Implications for volatile-rich magma generation, Goldschmidt2015, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, CZ(2015.8.16~21)2015.08.20招待講演・口頭・国際
Frost, D., Beyer, C. and Stagno, V.The speciation of carbon with respect to the redox state of the mantle, Goldschmidt2015, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, CZ(2015.8.16~21)2015.08.18基調講演・口頭・国際
Tsuchiya, J.First principles investigation of the hydrous phases in the Earth's interior, Solid Earth Physics Seminar, Harvard University, USA2015.07.10招待講演・国際・口頭
Irifune, T.Application of multi-anvil device to synthesis of novel gemstones under very high pressure and temperature, GIA, CA, USA2015.07.10招待講演・国際・口頭
Irifune, T.Large multi-anvil press and application to novel materials synthesis,2015 COMPRES Annual Meeting, Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado, USA(2015.7.6~9)2015.07.07基調講演・国際・口頭
Irifune, T.LMAP technologies for higher pressures and larger sample volumes, US Large Multi-Anvil Wrokshop, Colorado, USA2015.07.06基調講演・国際・口頭
Irifune, T.Geoscience and Diamond, 9th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2015, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP"2015.05.27基調講演・国際・口頭
土屋卓久鉱物弾性の第一原理シミュレーションと地球深部科学,AOBセミナー,東北大学大学院理学研究科 地震・噴火予知研究観測センター,岩手2015.07.06招待講演・口頭
Stagno, V.Kinetics of carbide rim growth and the diffusion of carbon in the Earth's upper mantle, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Makuhari, Chiba(2015.5.24~28)2015.05.28招待講演・国際・口頭


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType 
Inoue, T.l incorporation in dense hydrous magnesium silicates, IMA 2014, South Africa2014.09.03特別講演, 国際
Tsuchiya, J. and Tsuchiya, T.Phase H: A new high pressure phase of dense hydrous magnesium silicates in the lower mantle, SEDI 2014(The 14th Symposium of SEDI), Kanagawa2014.08.08招待講演,国際
Nishi, M., Irifune, T., Greaux, S., Tange, Y. and Higo, Y.Chemical compositions and stability of hydrous silicates in the lower mantle, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Sapporo2014.07.30招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Multi-anvil high-pressure technology and mineralogy of the deep mantle, Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014, Newcastle, Australia2014.07.08基調講演, 国際
Maruyama, S., Kawai, K. and Tsuchiya, T.Where had the primordial continent gone?, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, Pacifico Yokohama2014.04.29招待講演・国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Ichikawa, H., Tsuchiya, T., Toya, M. and Ohsumi, M.The P-V-T equation of state and transport properties of liquid Fe-O alloys by ab-inition molecular dynamics simulations, RIKEN Spring-8 Center Workshop on Elastic Properties of Iron in Extreme Conditions, 兵庫(宝塚)2014.02.26招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.History and secret about ultrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond, ENS Lyon, France2014.02.07招待講義,国際
Irifune, T.Recent advances in KMA technology and discovery of a new DHMS, phase H", Blas? Pascal University, France2014.02.06招待セミナー,国際
Irifune, T.Synthesis and applications of consolidated bodies of ultrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond, High Pressure Science at Third-Generation Synchrotron Facilities: State-of-the-art and Future Prospects, ESRF workshop, Grenoble, France2014.02.03基調講演
Yagi, T.Recent High Pressure Experiments using Synchrotron Radiation and Pulsed Neutron Source,The Fifth Meeting of Research Consortium on High-pressure Research and The Kumamoto International Symposium on Recent Advancements of Physics and Mineralogy VI, 熊本大学2014.01.20-21招待講演
平井寿子ガスハイドレートの超高圧物性と太陽系・宇宙における存在の可能性, 熱科学・工学研究会, 愛媛大学校友会館2013.12.13特別招待講演
入舩徹男世界で最も硬い物質 誕生・スーパーダイヤモンド,第2回ムロランマテリア講演会,室蘭工業大学2013.12.13特別講演
Tsuchiya, J. and Tsuchiya, T.First principles investigation of the structure, elasticity, and vibrational property of the serpentine minerals, AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco2013.12.11招待講演、国際
平井寿子ダイヤモンドを使って地球や惑星の内部をのぞこう!,最先端科学技術を体験してみよう!実験サイエンスカフェfor girls, 愛媛大学2013.10.27招待講演
Dekura, H. and Tsuchiya, T.CMB heat flow from lower mantle thermal conductivity, ELSI Workshop on Transport Properties in the Earth's Core, Yamanashi, Japan2013.10.18招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Introduction of GRC, Ehime University and the research for the water in the mantle, Peking University, Beijing, China2013.08.01招待講演,国際
入舩徹男超高硬度ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの合成・特性・応用,日本分析化学会中国四国支部 「第50回分析化学講習会」,愛媛大学2013.08.01特別講演
Tsuchiya, J.First principles investigations of hydrous phases under pressure: Implications for the transportation of water into the Earth's deep interior, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Australia2013.06.24招待講演,国際
Ohtani, E., Sakai, T., Kamada, S., Sakamaki, T., Mibe, K., Shibazaki, Y., Fukui, H., Tsutsui, S., and Baron, A.Sound velocity of iron-light-element alloys at high pressure and temperature and composition and thermal state of the inner core, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Australia2013.06.24招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Multianvil high-pressure technology and synthesis of novel polycrystalline materials, 2013 Materials Research Society Spring Meetings & Exhibits, CA, USA2013.04.03招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Sakai, T.Phase stability and equation of state of Fe-Ni-X at Multi Mbar pressures, CECAM workshop “New insights on metals under extreme conditions”, Institut Henri Poincar?, Paris, France2012.12.13招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio lower mantle model, Harvard University, Boston, USA2012.12.11招待講演,国際
Sakai, T.Takahashi, S., Nishitani, N., Mashino, I., Ohtani, E., Hirao, N., Equation of state of Fe and Fe-Ni alloy at multi-megabar, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco2012.12.03招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., Dekura, H., Tsuchiya, J.Ab initio thermal conductivity model of the earth's lower mantle, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco2012.12.07招待講演,国際
Irifune, T., Arimoto, T., Ohfuji, H., Shinmei, T.Making gem-quality polycrystalline high-pressure minerals (poly-gems) for sound velocity measurements, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco2012.12.06招待講演,国際
尾崎典雅,佐野智一,関根利守,真下茂,佐野孝好,奥地拓生,犬伏雄一,木村友亮,宮西宏併,浦西宏幸,浅海雄人,Michel KOENIG, Gianluka GREGORI, Alessandra BENUZZI-MOUNAIX, 坂和洋一,兒玉了祐,矢橋牧名,丹下慶範,土屋卓久,中塚和樹,近藤良彦,Tsung-Han YANG, 喜田美佳レーザーショック超高圧力とコヒーレント光源の融合,第53回高圧討論会,大阪大学会館2012.11.08招待講演
入舩徹男超高圧技術による地球内部の探索とNPD創製,(社)砥粒加工学会 HEAT専門委員会 第10回オープンシンポジウム「ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンド工具の特性と正しい使い方」,関西大学東京ステーションカレッジ,東京2012.10.05招待講演
Sakai, T., Takahashi, S., Nishitani, N., Mashino, I., Ohtani, E., Hirao, N.Equations of state of core materials; Implication for the core composition, G-COE Symposium 2012 "Achievements of G-COE Program for Earth and Planetary Dynamics and the Future Perspective", Sendai2012.09.26招待講演,国際
木村友亮, 尾崎典雅, 兒玉了祐, 桑山靖弘, 平井寿子高エネルギーレーザーとダイヤモンドアンビルセルを用いた水の超高密度状態の生成, 「シンクロ型LPSO構造の材料科学」第2回若手交流会?特別講演会, 愛媛大学2012.09.20招待講演
Irifune, T., Shinmei, T., Isobe, F., Arimoto, T., Nishiyama, N., Ohfuji, H., Greaux, S., Zou, Y., Kimura, M.Making sintered nano- to micro-polycrystalline high-pressure minerals using multianvil apparatus, 50th EHPRG Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece2012.09.17招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Recent activities of Ehime group at BLO4B1, SPring-8, 2nd workshop for Extreme Conditions Research in a Large Volume Press at PETRA Ⅲ, DESY, Hamburg, Germany2012.09.10招待講演,国際
Dekura, H., Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J.Ab initio calculations on the lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore2012.08.16招待講演,国際
Yamada, A., Kono, Y., Yu, T., Inoue, T., Wang, Y.Change in elastic property of vitreous GeO2 with pressure, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore2012.08.16招待講演,国際
Nishida, K., Kono, Y., Terasaki, H., Takahashi, S., Ishii, M., Shimoyama, Y., Higo, Y., Funakoshi, K., Irifune, T., Ohtani, E.Sound velocity measurements of liquid Fe-S at high pressure, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore2012.08.16招待講演,国際
入舩徹男超高圧実験で探る地球の内部とダイヤモンドの創製,砥粒加工学会 関西地区部会 平成24年度第2回研究・見学会,株式会社ユタカ,愛媛県2012.08.10招待講演
入舩徹男ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの高圧合成とその応用,「CBN &ダイヤモンド先進加工研究専門委員会」 第2回研究講演会,埼玉大学東京ステーションカレッジ,東京2012.07.25招待講演
Irifune, T.Multianvil technology for synthesis of consolidated nano-micro polycrystalline high-pressure minerals, Gordon Research Conferences, University of New England, Maine, USA2012.06.28招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.High pressure physics of the Earth and beyond, CPS 9th International School of Planetary Sciences "Across the Earth into Exoplanets", Seapal Suma, Kobe2012.06.25招待講演,国際
Nishihara, Y.Deformation experiments of mantle materials at the conditions of deep Earth interior, The 22nd V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada2012.06.25基調講演,国際
Osanai, Y., Nakano, N., Adachi, T., Yonemura, K., Yoshimoto, A., Setiawan, N., Ishizuka, H., Kawasaki, T., Hokada, T.Tectonic evolution of the Kurosegawa tectonic zone with relation to the multiple collisions in East Asia, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012,Chiba2012.05.23招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.ltrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond: synthesis, properties, and applications, 吉林大学,長春,中国2012.05.04招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Nishihara, Y.Deformation experiments of mantle materials at the conditions of deep earth`s interior, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際
Tange, Y., Miyanishi, K., Ozaki, N., Sano, T., Tsuchiya, T.Phase relations in MgO to TPa regime investigated by laser-driven shock compression experiments, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際
Irifune, T., Nishiyama, N., Ohfuji, H., Shinmei, T., Isobe, F., Higo, Y.Synthesis of nano-polycrystalline diamond and other consolidated polycrystalline materials using large Kawai-type apparatus, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際
Kunimoto, T., Irifune, T., Funakoshi, K.High pressure generation in MA6-6 system using newly-designed NPD anvils, oint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際,ポスター
Irifune, T., Yabuki, T., Yurimoto, H.Water contents of Al-bearing minerals in the mantle transition zone and the lower mantle, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際
Katayama, Y., Yagafarov, O., Ikeda, T., Saitoh, H., Aoki, K., Hattori, T., Fukui, H., Tange, Y., Funakoshi, K.Structure of water under high pressure and high temperature, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際
Ando, J., Nishiwaki, T., Hayasaka, Y., Ohfuji, H., Watanabe, K., Hara, T.Generation mechanism of slickenside in chert block, Joint Symposium of Misasa-2012 and Geofluid-2 "Dynamics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior: Special Emphasis on the Role of Fluids", Misasa, Tottori, Japan2012.03.21招待講演,国際,ポスター
Ohfuji,H.Phase transition mechanism and microtexture evolution through graphite-diamond transition under high pressure and high temperature, 9th International Workshop on Water Dynamics, Tohoku Univ.2012.03.08招待講演
入舩徹男GRCにおける大型NPD合成の現状と、マルチアンビル装置への応用に向けて,Spring-8利用者懇談会・高圧物性科学研究会・地球惑星科学研究会・2011年度合同研究会合,Spring-8放射光普及棟 大講堂,兵庫県2012.01.05招待講演
Kawazoe, T., Nishihara, Y., Ohuchi, T., Nishi, M., Nishiyama, N., Higo, Y., Funakoshi, K., Irifune, T.In situ stress-strain measurements in a deformation-DIA apparatus at P-T conditions of the upper part of the mantle transition zone, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA2011.12.06招待講演,国際
Whitaker, M.L., Li, B., Irifune, T.Insights into the Light Element(s) in Earth's Inner Core from in situ Acoustic Velocity Measurements, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA2011.12.09招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Ab Initio Study on the Densest Phase of Silica, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA2011.12.05招待講演,国際
Wang, Y., Nishiyama, N., Hilairet, N., Fiquet, G., Tsuchiya, T.Rheology og two-phase composites: implications for flow properties of the lower mantle, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA2011.12.06招待講演,国際
Wang, Y., Jing, Z., Yu, T., Hilairet, N., Nishiyama, N.Beyong the D-DIA:new initiatives for deformation experiments at higher pressure and temperature, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA2011.12.09招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Nano-polycrystalline diamond (NPD): A new window into the deep Earth, AIRAPT 23(International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology), Mumbai, India2011.09.29特別講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio study in geoscience, GL-GRC Inter-Institutional Science Symposium, Washington DC, USA2011.09.20基調講演,国際
大藤弘明,竹内洋貴グラファイトからの六方晶ダイヤモンド直接変換合成と相転移メカニズム,日本鉱物科学会2011年年会, 茨城大学2011.09.11受賞講演
Katayama, Y., Ikeda, T., Hattori, T., Saitoh, H., Aoki, K., Fukui, H., Tange, Y., Funakoshi, K.Structure of water under high temperature and pressure, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr-22), Madrid, Spain2011.08.28招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., Dekura, H., Kuwayama, Y., Tsuchiya, J.Multimegabar phase relations of major Earth and planetary materials, Goldschmidt2011, Prague, Czech Republic2011.08.19招待講演,国際
Spengler, D., Nishihara, Y., Fujino, K.Super-Si garnet breakdown kinetics and implications for craton evolution, Goldschmidt2011, Prague, Czech Republic, August 192011.08.19基調講演,国際
Nishiyama, N.Experimental studies using combinations of Large Volume Press and synchrotron ration at GSECARS/APS and Spring-8, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron(DESY), Hamburg, Germany2011.08.19招待講演,国際
Irifune, T., Tange, Y., Shinmen, T., Kimura, Y.Iron partitioning between silicate perovskite and ferropeliclase in pyrolite to 50 GPa using kawai-type multianvil apparatus, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society2011 (AOGS2011), Taipei, Taiwan2011.08.08招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Insight on lower mantle heterogeneity from Ab initio high-pressure elasticity of subducted crustal materials, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society2011 (AOGS2011), Taipei, Taiwan2011.08.08招待講演,国際
入舩徹男Synthesis, properties, and applications of ultrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond(HIME-DIA), 四川大学, Sichuan, China2011.05.31招待講演,国際
土屋卓久超高温高圧条件下における鉄, 鉄-軽元素系の安定性及び弾性に関する第一原理計算(Ab initio study on the high-P,T phase relations and elasticity of iron and iron-light element systems), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan2011.05.26招待講演,国際
入舩徹男, 河野義正, 肥後祐司, 西山宣正スタグナントスラブのゆくえ:パイロライト及びスラブ物質の密度と弾性波速度からの制約(Fate of stagnant slabs: Constraints from density and sound velocities of pyrolite and subducted slab materials), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan2011.05.25招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.New Developments in Systhesis and Application of Ultrahard Nanopolycrystalline Diamond, Geophysical Laboratory Seminar, Washington DC, USA2011.04.25招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
Irifune, T.Synthesis, properties, and applications of ultrahard nano-polycrystalline diamond at high pressure, Seminar, Inst. Earth Sci., National Chen-Kung Univ, Taiwan, China2011.03招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.Multimegabar phase relations of earth and planetary materials, 3rd Japan-France Workshop and School on High Energy Density Science, Les Houches, France2011.01.10招待講演,国際
Metsue, A.., Carrez, P., Cordier, P., Mainprice, D., Usui, Y. , Tsuchiya, T.New constraints on the plastic deformation of wadsleyite from atomic modeling: implications for the seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA2010.12.15招待講演,国際
Metsue, A.., CARREZ, P., Cordier, P., Mainprice, D., Usui, Y., Tsuchiya, T.New constraints on the plastic deformation of wadsleyite from atomic modeling: implications for the seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA2010.12.15招待講演,国際
Metsue, A., Tsuchiya, T.Effects of Fe on the thermodynamic properties of MgSiO3 perovskite and post-perovskite. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA2010.12.13招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Ab initio modeling of the deep mantle heterogeneity, The 2010 TANDEM Symposium on deep Earth mineralogy, Wuhan, China2010.11.05招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.“Nano-polycrystalline diamond: a potential third-generation ultrahard material for LVP experiments”, Workshop for Extreme Conditions Research in a Large Volume Press at PETRA III, L?neburg, Deutsch2010.10.14招待講演,国際
大藤弘明グラファイト-ダイヤモンド直接変換焼結におけるグラファイトの結晶度の影響, 東京工業大学応用セラミクス研究所共同利用研究ワークショップ, 東京工業大学2010.09.09招待講演
井上徹平成21年度日本鉱物科学会賞第5回受賞者講演, 日本鉱物科学会2010年年会・総会, 島根大学2010.09.24受賞講演
土屋旬科学・技術ミーティングin高松(科学技術政策担当大臣と有識者議員との会合)出席, 科学・技術ミーティングin高松, 全日空ホテルクレメント高松2010.08.29招待講演
石河孝洋「第一原理計算による圧力誘起結晶構造相転移の予言」, 日本物理学会北陸支部特別講演会, 金沢大学イノベーション創成センターインキュベーション施設2010.07.21招待講演
Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio modeling of thermal chemical properties of the core-mantle boundary region, The 12th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, a Committee of IUGG, Santa Barbara, California2010.07.21招待講演
Kawai, K., Tsuchiya, T.Temperature profile in the lowermost mantle from seismological and mineral physics joint modeling, 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan2010.06.23招待講演,国際
Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S., Brown, L.O., Clark, A., Sen, S., Yamada, A., Wang, Y.On the transport properties of silicate melts at high pressure, 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan2010.06.23招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J.A New Dense Phase of Silica Initiating Silicates Breakdown in Giant Terrestrial Planets, 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan2010.06.22招待講演,国際
川添貴章, 西山宣正, 西原遊, 大内智博, 入舩徹男DIA型変形装置を用いたマントル遷移層温度圧力条件下でのウォズリアイト・リングウッダイトの変形実験(Deformation Experiments of Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite at P-T Conditions of Mantle Transition Zone using D-DIA Apparatus), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Chiba, Japan2010.05.27招待講演
境家達弘, 高橋英樹, 大崎教匡, 近藤 忠, 重森啓介, 門野敏彦, 弘中陽一郎, 入舩徹男大型レーザーを用いた地球核条件下の鉄の音速計測(Measurement of sound velocity of laser-shocked iron under Earth’s core condition), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Chiba, Japan2010.05.27招待講演
瀬戸雄介, 浜根大輔, 永井隆哉, 藤野清志CO2-Vの結晶構造: 下部マントルでの有力な含炭素相(Crystal structure of solid carbon dioxide CO2-V : a possible host subducted carbon in the lower mantle), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Chiba, Japan2010.05.23招待講演,国際
平井寿子, 篠崎彩子, 川村太郎, 山本佳孝, 八木健彦マントル及び海王星深部条件下でのメタンのポリマー化(Polymerization of methane under the Earth mantle and Neptune conditions), Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2010, Chiba, Japan2010.05.23招待講演,国際
Irifune, T., Sumiya, H.Nature and application of nano-polycrystalline diamond synthesized by direct conversion in large-volume multianvil apparatus, 4th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC2010), The Garden Hotel, Suzhou, China2010.05.17招待/基調講演,国際
平井寿子「超高圧下のハイドレート物性と宇宙における存在の可能性」, 日本エネルギー学会 天然ガス部会資源分科会 ガスハイドレート研究会 第40 回記念大会 「ガスハイドレートの可能性 ~ナノから宇宙まで~」, 東京海洋大学 品川キャンパス 楽水会館2010.04.26記念講演


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
入舩徹男ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの合成とその超高圧実験への応用」日本金属学会・日本鉄鋼協会中国四国支部総会湯川記念講演会, 広島商工会議所2010.03招待講演
Kuwayama, Y., Hirose, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y.Phase relations of iron alloys at high pressure, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA2009.12.17招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T.Ab initio assessment of high-P-T postperovskite phase equilibia in the MgSiO3-Al2O3 pseudo binary system, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA2009.12.15招待講演,国際
藤野清志Deep Earth Mineralogy,中国地質大学(北京)地学資源学院講演会,中国地質大学(北京)2009.11招待講演,国際
藤野清志Deep Earth Mineralogy,北京大学地球宇宙科学学院講演会,北京大学,China2009.11招待講演,国際
藤野清志Deep Earth Mineralogy,中国地質大学(武漢)地球科学学院講演会,中国地質大学(武漢),China2009.11招待講演,国際
藤野清志Deep Earth Mineralogy,中国科学院広州地球化学研究所講演会,中国科学院広州地球化学研究所,China2009.11招待講演,国際
入舩徹男高硬度ダイヤモンド(ヒメダイヤ)の合成・特性・応用, 四国地質調査業協会 愛媛支部平成21年度第3回技術講習会&安全衛生講習会,愛媛県武道館大会議室2009.11.17招待講演,国際
入舩徹男超高硬度ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの合成と応用, 日本化学会西日本大会2009, 愛媛大学2009.11.08招待講演
入舩徹男高硬度ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの合成とその超高圧化学研究への応用, 第43回日本芳香族工業会大会 (松山大会),松山市総合コミュニティセンター2009.1招待講演
入舩徹男 ,新名亨, 磯部太志, 大藤弘明, 西山宣正, 國本健広, 河野義生, 仲本麻里子, 栗尾文子, 実平武, 木村正樹, 小竹翔子, 鍵裕之, 角谷均高圧直接変換ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンドの微細構造・物性・応用, 日本セラミックス協会第22回秋季シンポジウム, 愛媛大学2009.09.16招待講演
Higo, Y., Funakoshi, K., Kono, Y., Irifune, T.Development of the elastic wave velocity measurement technique under the condition of lower mantle, IUCr workshop on Advanced Crystallography at High Pressure, Harbin, China2009.07.19-22招待講演,国際
Tange, Y.High-pressure techniques using sintered diamond anvils in multianvil apparatus and its applications. IUCr workshop on Advanced Crystallography at High Pressure, Harbin, China2009.07.19-22招待講演,国際
桑山靖弘2009年 Jamieson Award (AIRAPT) Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cell Experiments at Multimegabar Pressure,AIRAPT-22,東京お台場2009.07.30受賞講演,国際
入舩徹男2009年度 高圧力学会賞 Development of multianvil technology and its application to deep Earth mineralogy and novel materials synthesis, AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50,東京お台場2009.07.27受賞講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., Tsuchiya, J.Ab initio assessment of high-P-T phase equilibria in multi-component mineral systems: Application to postperovskite phase equilibria in the MgSiO3Al2O3 system, AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50, 東京お台場2009.07.28招待講演,国際
Inoue, T., Okabayashi, A.The water content and stability of magma generated at the bottom of the Earth’s upper mantle , AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50, 東京お台場2009.07.30招待講演,国際
Ishikawa, T., Nagara, H., Kusakabe, K., Suzuki, N., Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T.Review of high pressure phases of calcium by the first-principles calculation, AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50, 東京お台場2009.07.29招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T., and Tsuchiya, J.Ab initio assessment of high-P,T thermodynamics in multi-component mineral systems: Application to postperovskite phase equilibria in the MgSiO3.Al2O3 system, Goldschmidt Conference 2009, Davos, Switzerland2009.06.23招待講演,国際
Irifune, T..Synthesis of nano-polycrystalline diamond at high pressure and some physical properties, APS workshop on High-Pressure Synchrotron Science: Future Directions, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, USA2009.05.08招待講演,国際
末次大輔, 大林政行, 井上徹, 山田朗フィリピン海スタグナント・スラブの温度・水含有率(Temperatures and water content of the stagnant slab beneath the Philippine Sea),日本地球惑星科学連合, 幕張メッセ2009.05招待講演
土屋旬,土屋卓久Perovskite and post perovskite phase relation in the MgSiO3-Al2O3 system,日本地球惑星科学連合,幕張メッセ2009.05招待講演
Whitaker, M. L., Liu, Q., Liu, W., Wang, L. and Li, B.A Journey Toward the Center of the Earth: Iron/Light-Element Alloys at Extreme Conditions and Their Implications for the Earth's Core,COMPRESS 2009 Annual Meeting, Mount Washington Resort, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA2009.06招待講演,国際
入舩徹男新しいダイヤモンドの高温高圧合成と地球深部物質の探査」 SPring-8施設公開科学講演会, 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター (JASRI, 兵庫)2009.04.26招待講演
入舩徹男Chemical composition of the mantle transition region constrained by sound velocity measurements, 中国地質大学地球科学部講演会, 中国地質大学武漢校, China2009.04招待講演,国際


SpeakerTitle, PlaceDateType
入舩徹男先進的実験と理論による地球深部物質学拠点(G-COEによる取り組み),広島大学大学教育改革支援プログラム平成20年度実施報告会, 広島2009.03.02招待講演
西原遊, 舟越賢一, 肥後祐司, 辻野典秀, 寺崎英紀, 西山宣正, 川添貴章, 久保友明, 下宿彰川井型マルチアンビルと単色光X線回折による高圧応力測定:マントル深部条件でのカンラン石の応力緩和試験への応用(招待講演), SPring-8利用者懇談会高圧物質科学研究会・地球惑星科学研究会2008年度合同研究会合, SPring-82009.01招待講演
Tange, Y., Nishihara, Y., Tsuchiya, T.Unified analyses for P-V-T equation of state of MgO: A solution for pressure-scale problems in High P-T experiments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA2008.12.18招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences, SPring-8 Academic Review Committee, Spring-82008.11.18招待講演,国際
Tsuchiya, T.The role of ab-initio computations in Earth sctructure, Workshop on ab initio calculations in geosciences, Cracow, Poland2008.10.23招待講演,国際
土屋卓久, 土屋旬圧力誘起スピン転移の動的性質が弾性特性に与える影響について, 日本セラミクス協会第21回秋季シンポジウム, 小倉2008.09.17招待講演
Irifune, T.Development of multianvil high-pressure technology with sintered diamond anvils and phase transitions in pyrolite under the lower mantle P, T conditions, International Geological Congress-2008, Oslo2008.08招待講演,国際
Irifune, T.High P, T generation using sintered diamond anvils and some applications, BGI seminar, Bayreuth2008.07招待講演,国際
Yamada, A., Zhao, D., Inoue, T., Suetsugu, D., Obayashi, M.Seismic Imaging of Water Content and Temperature Variation at the 660-km Discontinuity Under Japan Islands, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 5th General Meeting, Busan, Korea2008.06招待講演,国際
Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Kono, Y., Inoue, T., Funakoshi, K., Li, B.Sound velocity measurements to 20 GPa and 1800K at SPring-8 and some implications, Joint Assembly Meeting, AGU, Fort Lauderdale2008.05招待講演,国際
西山宣正, Wang, Y., Rivers, M. L., Sutton, S. R.D-DIAによる19 GPa, 600 Kまでのhcp鉄のレオロジー, 日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 千葉2008.05招待講演
横山綾子, 松井正典, 上田安紘, 肥後祐司, 河野義生, 井上徹, 入舩徹男, 舟越賢一超音波法にもとづくシリカガラスの弾性波速度の温度圧力変化(Elastic wave velocities of SiO2 glass using ultrasonic method under high pressures and high temperatures), 日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 千葉2008.05招待講演
土屋卓久, 土屋旬固体の(P,V,T,x)相平衡の第一原理予測(MgSiO3-Al2O3系), CMB友の会, 第2回CMBシンポジウム, 千葉2008.05招待講演

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