About Joint Usage/Research
Premier Research Institute for Ultrahigh-pressure Sciences (PRIUS)
The Premier Research Institute for Ultrahigh-pressure Sciences (PRIUS), operated by the Geodynamics Research Center (GRC) at Ehime University, has been approved as a Joint Usage/Research Center by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The purpose of PRIUS is to promote collaborative researches through the utilization of (1) advanced high pressure apparatuses and analytical instruments, (2) techniques of ultrahigh-pressure experiments and numerical calculations, and (3) nanopolycrystalline diamond (NPD, HIME Diamond) materials, produced uniquely by GRC, to further develop the ultrahigh-pressure sciences and related studies.
How to apply to PRIUS project?
We are calling for project proposal for Joint Usage/Research (PRIUS) for FY2025. Please go through PRIUS Application Guideline and submit Project Application to the PRIUS administrative office (prius@stu.ehime-u.ac.jp) . We will notify acceptance/rejection of your proposal in March after careful review by the PRIUS council and GRC staff members.
*Fiscal year(FY) in Japan (April-March)
Application Deadline: 31 January, 2025
・PRIUS Application Guideline
・Project Application Form
Please refer to the following information when you prepare your proposal.
Our facilities and technical skills 「GRC Facilities 」
Procedure of visiting GRC for your PRIUS project
Please submit Visit-Application-Form to the PRIUS administrative office at least one month prior to your visit after discussing with GRC faculty member(s) in your project. Then, we will contact you shortly to arrange the schedule of your visit and book university’s guest house for your stay. Please read Safety and Health Manual
and Guideline for PRIUS Users
(including Guideline for Multi-anvil Device Users) in advance and submit a signed Commitment Form
to the PRIUS office when you first visit GRC in the fiscal year.
Required documents:
・Visit-Application-Form (submitted to PRIUS Office,also email (cc) to your project member in GRC)
・Commitment Form
After your visit, please fill in and submit Visit Report to PRIUS administrative office (also to your project member in GRC) via email within a week after your visit.
Required document after your visit:
・Visit Report (submitted to PRIUS Office, also email (cc) to your project member in GRC)
We will cover your travel expenses including domestic transportation and accommodation based on the regulations on travel expenses at Ehime University. However, the travel expense support is limited to two people (one person × 2 or two people × 1) per project per fiscal year due to our limited budget.
Project Report on Joint Usage/Research and Meetings
Project leader is required to write a report on the progress and achievement of the project and submit to PRIUS Administrative Office via by 31st May of the following fiscal year.
・Annual Project Report (submitted to PRIUS Office, also email (cc) to your project member in GRC)
Please note that your report will be released in our annual report. If you do not wish to disclose your result to the public due to patent application, etc., please let us know in your annual report.
Credit information when publishing your results
When you publish the research results in papers/proceedings, etc., please include the following credit in Acknowledgement.
“This work was supported by the Joint Usage/Research Center PRIUS, Ehime University, Japan.”
When your paper/proceeding is published, please let us know and send us an electronic reprint of your paper by email.
We organize PRIUS symposium at GRC, Ehime University at the end of every fiscal year (end of February or beginning of March). We may request you to present the research progress/achievement on your PRIUS project in this symposium.
Intellectual Property Rights
When intellectual property is created as a result of joint research, the intellectual property offices (or any equivalent office) of both institutions are required to discuss the application procedure, cost, rights, etc. of the patent each other.
6. Contact Address
PRIUS office
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University
2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime
790-8577, JAPAN
Email: priusstu.ehime-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81 89 927 8165 Fax: +81 89 927 8167