Geodynamics Seminar
Date | Title、Speaker | Detail |
2024.07.26 | "First-principles investigations of the polysomatism of antigorite under pressure ” Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Professor, Ehime University) | |
2024.07.05 | "Toward an internally consistent pressure scale for Gold based on sound velocity measurements at high-pressure and high-temperature” Dr. Steeve Gréaux (Assistant Professor, Ehime University) | |
2024.06.28 | "Deformation-induced crystallographic preferred orientation of δ-AlOOH at high pressure and high temperature" Mr. Wentian Wu (PhD student, D3, Ehime University) | |
2024.06.21 | "Carbon partitioning during core-mantle differentiation constrained from ab initio simulations" Dr. Shengxuan Huang (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Ehime University) | |
2024.06.14 | "Deformation-induced crystallographic-preferred orientation of ε-FeOOH" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Professor, Ehime University) | |
2024.05.24 | "Applications of Nano-Polycrystalline Diamond Anvils to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy under High Pressure" Dr. Naoki Ishimatsu (Professor, Ehime University) | |
2024.05.17 | "Halogen (F and Cl) abundances of the lunar magma ocean" Dr. Jiejun Jing (JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ehime University) | |
2024.05.10 | "Effect of iron on the lattice thermal conductivity of lower mantle minerals: implications for mantle dynamics" Dr. Youyue Zhang (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ehime University) | |
2023.12.22 | "History and current status of Kawai-type multi-anvil high-pressure technology" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Professor/Director, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.12.08 | " Phase relations in a natural hydrous basalt under the lower mantle conditions" Mr. Yuta Ishikawa (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.12.08 | "2-D cylindrical mantle convection simulations on tectonic plates with stress-history-dependent rheology model" Mr. Hiroki Taito (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.12.01 | "Lattice preferred orientation of phase D deformed at high pressure and high temperature" Mr. Wentian Wu (PhD student, D2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.11.17 | "Acoustic emission monitoring at high pressures using a broadband piezoelectric transducer combined with a D-DIA apparatus" Mr. Yamato Miyagawa (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.11.17 | "Acoustic emission monitoring at high pressures using small sensors optimized for D-DIA apparatuses" Mr. Tetsuya Kubota (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.11.10 | "Resolution of inconsistencies in experiments of iron-silicate sulfur partitioning based on ab initio calculations" Mr. Kei Ito (PhD student, D1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.10.27 | "The stability of hydrous SiO2 stishovite in the deep mantle" Mr. Goru Takaichi (PhD student, D2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.10.20 | "月の化石バルジを形成・保存するための数値計算プログラム" Ms. Seina Terado (Master Student, M1 Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.10.20 | "Deformation of olivine under conditions of the lower part of the mantle transition zone: the role of olivine transition on deep-focus earthquakes " Mr. Kohei Matsuda (Master Student, M2 Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.10.13 | "Charge disproportionation in iron-bearing silicate melts predicted from first-principles calculations " Mr. Kazushi Kitaguchi (Master Student, M2 Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.07.28 | "In situ time-resolved X-ray observation of transient creep in olivine aggregates at upper mantle pressures" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Associate Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.07.21 | "Effect of hydrogen on rheology of hcp-Fe" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.07.14 | "Experimental constraints on the distribution of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the crystallizing Earth's magma ocean" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (Assistant Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.06.30 | "High pressure generation over 4 megabar III" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Associate Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.06.23 | "Trace element partitioning between bridgmanite and silicate melt up to CMB pressure and the origin of the Hf-Nd mantle array" Dr. Keisuke Ozawa (JSPS Post-doctoral fellow, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.06.16 | "Nitrogen solubilities in the lower-mantle minerals and revaluation of nitrogen storage capacity in the lower mantle." Dr. Ko Fukuyama (JSPS Post-doctoral fellow, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.06.09 | "Numerical experiments on thermal convection in the mantles of super-Earths with various sizes: Roles of adiabatic compression and spherical geometry" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.06.02 | "Storage of missing nitrogen in the deep Earth: From the mantle to the core" Dr. Shengxuan Huang (JSPS Post-doctoral fellow, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.02.10 | "Tetrahedral symmetry breaking in SiO2 glass under pressure as structural origin of the anomalous properties" Dr. Yoshio Kono (Associate Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2023.01.27 | "Solubility of CaSiO3 in bridgmanite: From a historical perspective" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Director/Professor, GRC) | |
2022.12.16 | "Elastic properties of fcc-Fe under lunar core conditions" Dr. Marisa Wood (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.12.09 | "Strain-induced crystal preferred orientation of phase D and implications for seismic anisotropy in subduction zone at depth of mantle transition zone" Mr. Wentian Wu (PhD student, D1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.11.25 | "Phase relation in a natural hydrous basalt under the lower mantle condition" Mr. Yuta Ishikawa (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.11.25 | "Formation of 'weak' fault gouge as a result of deformation of olivine on the surface of a metastable olivine wedge." Mr. Kohei Matsuda (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.11.18 | "応力履歴依存レオロジーをもつマントル対流シミュレーション:プレート運動の再現に向けて" Mr. Hiroki Taito (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.11.04 | "第一原理計算から予測される含鉄ケイ酸塩メルトにおける鉄の電荷不均化反応" Mr. Kazushi Kitaguchi (Master student, M1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.10.28 | "Earth's core containing sulfur predicted by ab initio iron-silicate partitioning simulations" Mr. Kei Itoh (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.10.21 | "Synthesis of polycrystalline diamond from glassy carbon and examination of its formation process" Ms. Chinatsu Ogawa (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.10.14 | "First-principles study of solid solution formation between dense hydrous magnesium silicate Phase D bearing aluminum and Li₂ZrF₆-type SiO₂" Mr. Saito Nakagawa (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.10.07 | "Reevaluation of liquid iron penetration into bridgmanite grain boundaries" Mr. Hiroshi Ohgidani (Master student, M2, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.07.29 | "The stability of hydrous SiO2 stishovite in the deep mantle" Mr. Goru Takaichi (PhD student, D1, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.07.22 | "the Kaiser effect exist at upper mantle pressures and temperatures?" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Associate Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.06.17 | "Redox disproportionation of Fe2+ in a deep magma ocean during core formation" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (Assistant Professor, Geodynamics Research Center) | |
2022.06.10 | "Ultrahigh-temperature and high-pressure experiment for determination of nitrogen isotope fractionation during Earth's core formation" Dr. Ko Fukuyama (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2022.06.03 | "Rheology of dhcp-FeHx: An experimental study using a D111-type high-pressure deformation apparatus at SPring-8, BL04B1" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Professor, GRC) | |
2022.05.20 | "Limitation of Fe oxidation in chlorite" Dr. Sayako Inoué (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2022.04.15 | "Reaction and partitioning of water between liquid metal and molten silicate" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, GRC) | |
2022.03.25 | "An ab initio approach to the lattice dynamics of cubic CaSiO3 perovskite" Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2022.03.11 | "Linear analysis on the onset of thermal convection of highly compressible fluids with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity in spherical geometry: Implications for the mantle convection of super-Earths." Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2022.02.18 | "Different structural behavior of MgSiO3 and CaSiO3 glasses at high pressures" Dr. Nozomi Kondo (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2022.02.04 | "Ab initio investigation of the intercrystalline mechanical behavior of ferropericlase at extreme pressures of planetary mantles" Dr. Sebastian Ritterberx (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2022.01.28 | "First principles investigations of high pressure ice phases" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2022.01.21 | "High pressure generation over 4 megabar II" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2022.01.14 | "Strength of diamond under high-temperature determined by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2021.12.24 | "Transparent nano-ceramics" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Director/Professor, GRC) | |
2021.12.10 | "Recent developments in structural measurement of amorphous materials under pressure" Dr. Yoshio Kono (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2021.12.03 | "Synthesis of nano-polycrystalline diamond from glassy carbon under pressure conditions of 9ー15 GPa" Ms. Chinatsu Ogawa (Master student, M1, GRC) | |
2021.11.26 | "Effects of the core mantle composition and pressure changes on the sulfur partitioning in the deep Earth" Mr. Kei Itoh (Master student, M1, GRC) | |
2021.11.19 | "Anomalous behavior of Poisson’s ratio of glassy carbons under compression" Mr. Haruma Asou (Master student, M2, GRC) | |
2021.11.12 | "Origin and formation process of overgrown layers on hydrothermal quartz crystals" Ms. Rino Watanabe (Master student, M2, GRC) | |
2021.11.05 | "Thermodynamic stability and crystal chemical properties of the Li2ZrF6-type structure in SiO2" Mr. Saito Nakagawa (Master student, M1, GRC) | |
2021.10.29 | "Metal connectivity in bridgmanite aggregate: Implications for the origin of ULVZs at the lowermost of the Earth’s mantle" Mr. Hiroshi Ohgidani (Master student, M1, GRC) | |
2021.10.22 | "Rehydration of crustal material in the deep mantle and stability of hydrous minerals and nominally anhydrous minerals" Mr. Gouru Takaichi (Master student, M2, GRC) | |
2021.07.30 | "A challenge to observe the process of faulting in rocks at high pressures." Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2021.07.16 | "Sound velocity measurements at mantle geotherm temperatures: results, problems and perspectives." Dr. Steeve Gréaux (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2021.07.02 | "The regulation mechanism of the redox state of the Earth’s magma ocean inferred from high-pressure experiments on redox disproportionation of Fe2+ in silicate melt" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2021.06.11 | "Crystallographic-preferred orientation and microstructure of deformed MnGeO3 perovskite" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Professor, GRC) | |
2021.05.21 | "Nitrogen solubilities in the lower-mantle minerals: implications for the formation process of nitrogen reservoir in the deep Earth" Dr. Ko Fukuyama (JSPS Post-doctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2021.05.14 | "Mn(II) oxidation catalyzed by nanohematite surfaces and structural evolution of product Mn oxyhydroxides by self-catalytic reaction" Dr. Sayako Inoue (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2021.03.19 | "Core-mantle chemical interactions" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, GRC) | |
2021.03.05 | "First-principles investigation of tilt grain boundaries in (ferro)periclase" Dr. Sebastian Ritterbex (Post-doctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2021.02.26 | "Application of nano-polycrystalline diamond to high pressure experiment using multianvil apparatus with 6-8-2 type system" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (Post-Doctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2021.02.19 | "High pressure generation over 4 megabar" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2021.02.12 | "Interaction between Cerium and H2O in Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts" Dr. Nozomi Kondo (Post-Doctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2020.01.15 | "Role of deep water cycle on the core-mantle interaction" Dr. Masayuki Nishi (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2020.12.18 | "Applications of NPD to high-pressure science and technology; some recent advances and future perspectives" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Director/Professor, GRC) | |
2020.12.11 | "Structural evolution of SiO2 glass and amorphous TiO2 at high pressures" Dr. Yoshio Kono (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2020.11.27 | "A challenge to observe the process of faulting in rocks at high pressures" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2020.11.20 | "Two-dimensional numerical experiments on thermal convection of highly compressible fluids with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity: Implications for mantle convection of super-Earths" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2020.11.06 | "Sound velocities of the subducted basaltic crust in the deep mantle" Dr. Steeve Gréaux (Assistant Professor, GRC/ELSI-ES) | |
2020.10.30 | "Thermal conductivity of Super Earth’s mantle" Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2020.10.23 | "First principles investigation of high pressure ice phases" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2020.10.9 | "Rheology of bcc-iron at high-pressure and -temperature" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Professor, GRC) | |
2020.7.31 | "Ultrahigh pressure structures of amorphous oxides investigated by the opposed type double-stage cell apparatus." Dr. Itaru Ohira (WPI Postdoctoral fellow, GRC/ELSI-ES) | |
2020.7.17 | "New high-pressure phases in the Al2O3-SiO2 system: Phase relations and crystal structures" Dr. Youmo Zhou (Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2020.2.21 | "High-pressure generation technique in a 6-8-2 type multi anvil apparatus" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (Postdoctoral fellow, GRC)D | |
2020.2.14 | "A raman spectroscopic study on carbon in a magma ocean during the core formation of terrestrial planets" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (JSPS Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2020.1.24 | "2-D numerical simulations on formation and descent of stagnant slabs: Important roles of trench migration and its temporal change" Mana Tsuchida (Ph.D. student, GRC) | |
2019.7.26 | "The rock-iron-water interaction under pressure" Dr. Masayuki Nishi (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2019.7.19 | "Rheology of hcp-iron studied using D111-type apparatus" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2019.7.12 | "Stable carbon isotope fractionation in the Fe-C system from first principles" Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2019.7.5 | "From high-pressure mineral physics to novel nano-ceramics science; my research history over the Heisei period" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune(Professor, GRC) | |
2019.6.28 | "D/H partitioning between forsterite, wadsleyite, and ringwoodite: ab initio free energy calculation" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2019.6.21 | "Strength of dry orthoenstatiteaggregates under the lithospheric conditions" Dr. Yumiko Tsubokawa (Postdoctoral Researcher, JSPS, GRC) | |
2019.5.17 | "First metamorphic diamonds? from Nishisonogi metamorphic belt, Kyushu, Japan" Dr. Hiroaki Ohfuji (Professor, GRC) | |
2019.4.26 | "High-P,T elasticity of Fe-Si alloy" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2019.4.12 | "Sound velocities of Al,Fe-bearing bridgmanite in the Earth’s lower mantle" Dr. Steeve Gréaux (WPI postdoctoral fellow, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2019.2.22 | "Metal-silicate partitioning of carbon in a magma ocean: Implications for the distribution of carbon in the Earth" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (JSPS postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2019.2.15 | "In situ experimental study of eclogite – COH system at the upper mantle conditions" Dr. Nadezda Chertkova (Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2019.2.8 | "Structure measurement of oxide glasses at >100 GPa, and discovery of ultrahigh pressure polyamorphism in GeO2 and SiO2 glasses with coordination number >6" Dr. Yoshio Kono (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2019.2.1 | "The effect of water on the elastic properties of ringwoodite at high P and T condition" Dr. Wei Sun (WPI Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2019.12.6 | "First-principles prediction of iron viscosity at conditions of the Earth's center suggests small inner core translation and superrotation" Dr. Sebastian Ritterbex (Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2019.11.29 | "Deformation of olivine transforming to wadsleyite: implications for the process triggering the occurrence of deep earthquakes" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2019.11.8 | "Numerical experiments on thermal convection of highly compressible fluids: Influences for mantle convection of super-Earths" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2019.11.1 | "Let's think about 4th-generation high-pressure synchrotron X-ray experiments" Dr. Yoshio Kono (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2019.1.25 | "Trial to realize semiconducting diamond using high pressure and high temperature technique" Dr. Fumitaro Ishikawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, GRC) | |
2019.10.11 | "Inter-comparison of pressure scales" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2019.1.11 | "First-principles study of iron diffusion properties with implications to inner core plasticity" Dr. Sebastian Ritterbex (Postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2019.10.4 | "Incorporation of cerium in a hydrous rhyolitic melt" Dr. Nozomi Kondo (postdoctoral fellow, GRC) | |
2018.9.28 | "Technical development of double-stage diamond anvil cell and equations of state at multi-megabar condition" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2018.7.27 | "Combined in situ X-ray diffraction and electrical resistance measurements of pressure-induced phase transition and metallization in ZnTe, ZnS, GaAs, and GaP" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto(Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2018.7.20 | "Optical and mechanical properties of nano-polycrystlline ceramics synthesized under ultra-high pressure: Toward science and technology of “transparent nano-ceramics"" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2018.7.13 | "Al partitioning between phase D and bridgmanite up to 31 GPa: Implications for high electrical conductivity, discontinuity and deep earthquakes occur between 670 to 850 km" Chaowen Xu (Ph.D. student, GRC) | |
2018.7.6 | "Effects of iron on lattice thermal conductivity of lower mantle minerals from first principles" Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Assistant professor, GRC) | |
2018.6.29 | "Crystallographic preferred orientation of MnGeO3 perovskite: An experimental study using a D111-type guide block" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2018.6.15 | "Hydroxides in the Earth and Planetary Interior" Dr. Masayuki Nishi (Assistant professor, GRC) | |
2018.6.8 | "High-pressure and high-temperature stability of methane hydrate in H2O-CH4-NH3 system" Dr. Hirokazu Kadobayashi (Postdoctoral Researcher, JSPS, GRC) | |
2018.6.1 | "Sintering of submicron-grained pyroxene aggregates: for future measurements on its rheological properties" Dr. Yumiko Tsubokawa (Postdoctoral Researcher, JSPS, GRC) | |
2018.5.11 | "First principles investigation of the high-pressure behavior of the FeOOH-AlOOH-phase H (MgSiO4H2) system" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2018.4.27 | "Understanding the origin of carbonado, an enigmatic polycrystalline diamond, through analysis of primary nano-inclusions" Dr. Hiroaki Ohfuji (Professor, GRC) | |
2018.4.13 | "Application of ab initio simulations to element partitioning between silicate and metal" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2018.2.9 | "Stability of Fe2O3 in the lower mantle" Dr. Takeshi Arimoto (Postdoctoral Reseacher, GRC) | |
2018.2.2 | "Liquid metal-silicate partitioning of carbon in a shallow hydrous magma ocean: Implications for the distribution of carbon in the Earth during core formation" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (Postdoctoral Reseacher, GRC) | |
2018.11.30 | "Shear localization in peridotites and the occurrence of intermediate earthquakes" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2018.11.9 | "Development of 2-D numerical model of mantle dynamics incorporating self-consistent evolution of subduction zones" Mana Tsuchida (PhD. student, GRC) | |
2018.11.2 | "Towards numerical modeling of 3-D mantle convection with magmatism and plate tectonics" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2018.1.19 | "In situ optical studies using externally heated lever type diamond anvil cell" Dr. Nadezda Chertkova (Postdoctoral Reseacher, GRC) | |
2018.10.19 | "New high-pressure phases in the Al2O3-SiO2 system" Dr. Youmo Zhou (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2018.10.5 | "Major element composition of the Hadean crust: constraints from Sm-Nd isotope systematics and high-pressure melting experiments" Dr. Nozomi Kondo (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2017.7.28 | "Melting Temperature of Sahara 97072 (EH3) meteorite from 7 to 40 GPa" Dr. Steeve Gréaux (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2017.7.21 | "High-pressure deformation experiments using rotational diamond anvil cell" Dr. Ryuichi Nomura (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2017.7.14 | "Numerical experiments on thermal convection of highly compressible fluids with variable physical properties" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2017.7.7 | "The effect of Al on the stability of DHMS and water transports into the Earth’s interior" Chaowen Xu (Ph.D. student, GRC) | |
2017.6.30 | "Technical development of kawai-type multianvil technology using nano-polycrystalline diamond" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2017.6.23 | "Shear localization in peridotites and the occurrence of intermediate-depth earthquakes" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuch (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2017.6.16 | "Synthesis of a hydrogen-free carbon nitride with a diamond-like structure" Dr. Yohei Kojima (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2017.5.12 | "Equations of state at multi-megabar pressure III" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2017.4.28 | "Ultrahigh-pressure synthesis and applications of nano-polycrystalline ceramics; current status and future perspective" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2017.4.21 | "Effect of pressure on temperature measurements using WRe thermocouple and its impact on geophysics" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2017.4.14 | "Technical development on phonon transport property of minerals: Theory and applications" Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Lecturer, GRC) | |
2017.2.24 | Advanced Science Seminar "Ab initio core model" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2017.2.10 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Experimental study on the metasomatic reaction between brine and crustal materials in subduction zones" Dr. Hiroaki Ohfuji (Professor, GRC) | |
2017.2.3 | "Outer core composition estimated from thermoelastic properties of liquid Fe alloys" Dr. Hiroki Ichikawa (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2017.12.22 | "Thermo-elastic properties of Al-bearing hydrous bridgmanite" Sho Kakizawa (Ph.D. student, GRC/Hiroshima University) | |
2017.12.15 | "Phase transition and texturing mechanism of graphite to lonsdaleite/diamond" Motosuke Nakaya (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2017.12.8 | "In situ X ray observations of crystallization of grossular glass under high pressure and high temperature" Daisuke Furuta (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Mineralogical study of micro-inclusions in olivine in pallasite meteorite" Yoshie Takayama (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2017.12.1 | "Ab initio predictions of K, He and Ar partitioning between silicate melt and liquid iron under high pressure" Dr. Xiong Zhihua (Postdoctoral Reseacher, GRC) | |
2017.11.24 | "Numerical studies on the flow structures of the 3-D thermal convection of rotating fluids" Fumito Miura (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Experimental study on the stability of magnesite in the presence of H2O-rich C-H-O fluid under high pressure and high temperature" Takashi Miyamoto (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2017.11.17 | "Sound velocity measurements on wadsleyite at mantle transition zone P and T conditions" Dr. Wei Sun (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2017.1.27 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "First principles investigation of high pressure behavior of FeOOH" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2017.10.27 | "Relationship between Al substitution mechanism and the physico-chemical properties of Al-bearing anhydrous bridgmanites" Masamichi Noda (Msc. student, Ehime University) "CPO of the experimentally deformed coesite at high pressure" Shunta Doi (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2017.1.20 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Recent progress for our “hydrous bridgmanite” project" Dr. Toru Inoue (Professor, GRC) | |
2017.10.20 | "Point defects in iron at inner core conditions" Dr. Sebastian Ritterbex (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2017.10.13 | "Numerical simulations on the formation and avalanche of stagnant slabs" Mana Tsuchida (Msc. student, Ehime University) "The effect of sulfur on carbon solubility and partitioning in the alloy-silicate systems: Implications for core-mantle fractionation of carbon and sulfur during accretion of Earth" Kyusei Tsuno (Research Scientist/Lab Manager, Rice University) | PDF |
2017.1.6 | "Metal-silicate partitioning of halogens: Implications for the abundance and origin of terrestrial halogens" Dr. Hideharu Kuwahara (JSPS Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2017.10.6 | "Melting experiments of Earth’s lower mantle minerals in binary systems" Dr. Youmo Zhou (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2016.12.16 | "Experimental study on the stability and physicochemical behavior of methane hydrate under high pressure and high temperature" Hirokazu Kadobayashi (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "Equation of state of Al-bearing hydrous bridgmanite: technical development for in situ X-ray closed system experiment" Sho Kakizawa (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2016.12.9 | "High temperature generation using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils and stability of Fe-rich bridgmanite in the lower mantle" Takeshi Arimoto (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "Exploring the origin of carbonado, natural polycrystalline diamond, from its primary nano-inclusions" Natsuko Asano (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2016.12.2 | "Development of externally heated diamond anvil cell technique for high temperature studies of fluids and silicate melts" Dr. Nadezda Chertkova (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2016.11.25 | "Synthesis of transparent sintered bodies of polycrystalline pyrope at high pressure and high temperature and their characteristics" Daisuke Furuta (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Lattice diffusion in B2-type MgO" Takafumi Harada (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2016.11.18 | "From modeling defects to the rheology of the Earth's interior" Dr. Sebastian Ritterbex (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2016.11.11 | "Melting relations in the MgO-MgSiO3 system and the effect of other elements under the lower mantle condition" Satoka Ohnishi (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "Numerical simulations of thermochemical mantle convection with drifting supercontinent in two-dimensional cylindrical geometry" Akari Harada (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF |
2016.10.21 | "Numerical simulations on the formation and behaviors of slabs in 2-D spherical annulus" Mana Tsuchida (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2016.10.14 | "Ab initio prediction of potassium partitioning into the Earth's core" Dr. Xiong Zhihua (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2016.10.7 | "H-D inter-diffusion in Fe-bearing wadsleyite and ringwoodite" Dr. Wei Sun (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2016.09.30 | "Transformation of hydrous oxides at high pressures" Dr. Masayuki Nishi (Assistant Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2016.08.5 | "In situ high P-T X-ray computed laminography and its applications" Dr. Ryuichi Nomura (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2016.07.29 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Numerical experiments on mantle convection of super-Earths with strong adiabatic compression" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Professor, GRC) | |
2016.07.22 | "High-pressure generation in Kawai-type multianvil apparatus equipped with nano-polycrystalline diamond anvils" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (WPI Postdoctoral Research Technician) | |
2016.07.15 | "Phase relations in the system KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8 with implications for the formation of lingunite in heavily shocked meteorites" Youmo Zhou (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2016.07.8 | "Intermediate-depth earthquakes can be caused by localized heating in dehydrated antigorite shear zones" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2016.07.01 | "Synthesis of superhard carbon nitrides" Dr. Yohei Kojima (Postdoctoral Researcher, GRC) | |
2016.06.10 | "Ab initio prediction of the possible incongruent melting relation to the MgO-SiO2 system in multi-megabar" Takashi Taniuchi(Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2016.05.20 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Determination of pressure effect on thermocouple electromotive force using multi-anvil apparatus" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Associate Professor,GRC) | PDF |
2016.05.13 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Pressure-assisted synthesis of transparent nano-polycrystalline ceramics" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | PDF |
2016.04.22 | "HP-HT phase relation of lunar rocks: a clue for locating the lost Hadean crust ?" Dr. Steeve Greaux (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2016.04.15 | "Equation of state at multi-megabar pressure II" Dr. Takeshi Sakai (Assistant Professor, GRC) | PDF |
2016.02.26 | "Experimental investigation of methane hydrates dissociation under high pressure and temperature" Hirokazu Kadobayashi (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2016.02.19 | "Some thermodynamic properties of larnite(03b2-Ca2SiO4) constrained by high T-P experiment and or theoretical simulation" Dr. Xiong Zhihua (Postdoctoral Reseacher, ELSI-ES, GRC) "Interior structure of Uranus and Neptune inferred from the melting curve of NH3" Dr. Tomoaki Kimura (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | PDF1 PDF2 |
2016.02.12 | "Technical development in ab initio phonon transport properties of minerals” Dr. Haruhiko Dekura (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2016.02.05 | "Technical developments in high temperature generation with sintered diamond anvils" Takeshi Arimoto (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "Melting relations in the MgO-MgSiO3 system under the lower mantle conditions using a CO2 laser heated diamond anvil cell" Satoka Ohnishi (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | PDF1 PDF2 |
2016.01.29 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "First principles investigation of hydrous phases in earth's deep interior" Dr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2016.01.22 | Advanced Science Seminar(for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Elastic properties of hydrous bridgmanite" Dr. Toru Inoue (Professor, GRC) | |
2016.01.08 | "Mineralogical and crystallographical study on the microtexture and genesis of polycrystalline diamond,Carbonado" Natsuko Asano (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.12.11 | "The fate of sulfate mineral during subduction to the deep mantle" Taku Fujii (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.12.04 | "Numerical simulations of thermochemical mantle convection with drifting supercontinent in two-dimensional cylindrical geometry" Akari Harada (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Migration enthalpy and lattice diffusion in B2-type MgO" Takafumi Harada (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF1 PDF2 |
2015.11.27 | "Equation of state of Al-bearing bridgmanite" Shou Kakizawa (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.11.20 | Advanced Science Seminar(for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Diamond from ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks from Japan" Dr. Hiroaki Ohfuji (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2015.10.30 | "Numerical experiments on mantle convection of super-Earths with variable thermal conductivity and adiabatic compression" Mayumi Yamamoto (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.10.23 | "Reaction between carbonate, silicate and C-H-O fluid under high pressure and temperature" Shunta Ikawa (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.10.16 | "Solid solution effects of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the thermo-elastic property of MgSiO3 bridgmanite calculated based on the internally consistent LSDA+U method" Atsushi Hase (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.10.09 | "Synthesis of nano-polycrystalline grossular garnet under high pressure and high temperature" Kouji Kawakami (Msc. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.10.02 | "Estimate of subduction of island arcs to the deep mantle" Dr. Hiroki Ichikawa (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.07.31 | Advanced Science Seminar(for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Linear analysis on the onset of thermal convection of highly compressible fluids with variable physical properties: Implications for the mantle convection of super-Earths" Dr. Masanori Kameyama (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2015.07.24 | "Stability region of the liebermannite-lingunite solid solution" Youmo Zhou (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.07.17 | "Technical developments on acoustic emissions monitoring at high pressures" Dr. Tomohiro Ohuchi (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2015.07.10 | "Discovery of a new Al-bearing hydrous phase (23 u00c5 phase) and some implications to the deep earth" Nao Cai (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.07.03 | "Experimental study of Al,Fe-bearing phase H" Dr. Masayuki Nishi (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2015.06.26 | "Redox melting in the Earth's lower mantle: implications for the presence of low seismic velocity anomalies" Dr. Vincenzo Stagno (Postdoctral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.06.19 | "Phase equilibria, elastic properties of MgSiO3-Al2O3 system in Earth's interior" Zhaodong Liu (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) | |
2015.06.12 | Advanced Science Seminar(for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Grand Challenge in Theoretical Mineral Physics: Determination of High-P,T Elasticity" Dr. Taku Tsuchiya (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.06.05 | "Phase behavior of tetracyanoethylene under high pressure and high temperature" Dr. Yohei Kojima (Postdoctral Researcher, GRC) | |
2015.05.22 | "Applications of nano-polycrystalline diamond to anvil materials for multianvil apparatus" Dr. Takehiro Kunimoto (Postdoctral Researcher, GRC) | |
2015.05.08 | "High pressure experimental studies on Tagish Lake Meteorite - Contribution of volatile rich material to the Earth's accretion" Dr. Wei Du (Postdoctral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.04.24 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Growth kinetics of forsterite reaction rim at high-pressure" Dr. Yu Nishihara (Associate Professor,GRC) | |
2015.04.10 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Making transparent nano-polycrystalline ceramics with large-volume multianvil apparatus" Dr. Tetsuo Irifune (Professor, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.02.27 | "Direct sound velocity measurements of pyrolite at mantle transition zone P,T conditions" Dr. Steeve Greaux (Postdoctoral Researcher, ELSI-ES, GRC) | |
2015.02.20 | "Density measurements of iron alloys" Dr. Yasuhiro Kuwayama (Assistant Professor, GRC) | |
2015.02.13 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Crystallization of diamonds in mantle - current understanding " Dr. Hiroaki Ohfuji (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2015.01.30 | Advanced Science Seminar (for Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences) "Stability of phase H in the lower mantle" nDr. Jun Tsuchiya (Associate Professor, GRC) | |
2015.01.23 | "Thermodynamic properties of MgSiO3 post bridgmanite with Fe3+ and n Al3+ incorporation: an internally consistent LSDA+U study" Dr. Xianglong Wang (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2014.12.12 | "Water solubility in Al-bearing bridgmanite" Sho Kakizawa (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Reaction between magnesite and reduced C-H-O fluid under high pressure and high temperature" Shunta Ikawa (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF1 PDF2 |
2014.12.05 | "Melting experiments on the MgO-MgSiO3 system under the lower mantleu3000conditions" Satoka Ohnishi (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "Synthesis of Ca3Al2Si3O12 grossular under high pressure and high temperature" Koji Kawakami (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF1 PDF2 |
2014.11.28 | "Planetary interiors inferred from high pressure experiments on H2O and MgO" Dr. Tomoaki Kimura (Postdoctoral Fellow, GRC) | |
2014.11.21 | "Ab initio free energy calculation of solids based on the one-step thermodynamic integration: Revaluation on the melting points of MgO and SiO2" Takashi Taniuchi (Msc. student, Ehime University) "Numerical simulation on thermal convection of highly compressible fluid with depth-dependent thermal conductivity: Implications for the mantle convection of super-Earths" Mayumi Yamamoto (Msc. student, Ehime University | PDF1 PDF2 |
2014.11.14 | Stability of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite at high pressure and high temperature" Takeshi Arimoto (Ph.D. student, Ehime University) "First-principles study on the high-pressure elastic properties of Fe2+,Fe3+-bearing MgSiO3 bridgmanite,using internally consistent LSDA+U method" Atsushi Hase (Msc. student, Ehime University) | PDF1 PDF2 |
International Lecture・Frontier Seminar
Date | Title, Speaker | Details |
2024.4.23 | The 88th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Nanosecond grain reorientation and plasticity in shock-compressed nano-polycrystalline diamond" Dr. Kento Katagiri (Physical Science Research Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University) | |
2024.4.23 | The 87th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Nanosecond grain reorientation and plasticity in shock-compressed nano-polycrystalline diamond" Mr. Anirudh Hari (PhD Student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University) | |
2024.3.15 | The 86th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Hydrogen isotopic signatures of the upper mantle recorded from xenoliths: What diffusion experiments tell us." Dr. Jannick Ingrin (CNRS Research Professor, Université de Lille) | |
2024.1.26 | The 85th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Constraints on the interior structure and interior evolution of planet Mercury" Dr. Jurrien Knibbe (Postdoctoral Researcher, Royal Observatory in Belgium / VU University of Amsterdam) | |
2023.7.7 | The 84th GRC International Frontier Seminar "The Importance of Point Defects on processes in the mantle" Dr. Joshua Muir (Professor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Science) | |
2023.5.30 | The 83rd GRC International Frontier Seminar "The role of the solar wind as an origin of volatiles on terrestrial planets: An experimental study" Dr. Shun-Ichiro Karato (Professor, Yale University) | |
2021.3.18 | The 82nd GRC International Frontier Seminar "Temperature-induced order-disorder phase transition in the Mg-Si-O post-post-perovskite system by first principles" Dr. Koichiro Umemoto (Research Scientist, Earth Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
2021.6.25 | The 81st GRC International Frontier Seminar "Origin of nitrogen in inner Solar System protoplanets and planets" Mr. Damanveer Grewal (Graduate Student, Rice University) | |
2019.11.20 | The 80th GRC & The 24th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Experimental constraints on the crystallography and seismic velocity of calcium perovskite" Dr. Andrew Thomson (Department of Earth Sciences, University College London) | |
2019.5.24 | The 79th GRC & The 23nd MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "P-V-T equation-of-state of liquid Fe to the TPa regime from ab-initio simulations, and what we learn for super-Earth interiors" Dr. Gerd Steinle-Neumann (Staff Scientist, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth) | |
2019.5.13 | The 78th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Ultrahard nanomaterials-myths and reality" Prof. Vadim Brazhkin (Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS) | |
2019.3.27 | The 77th GRC & The 22nd MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "On the large-scale geochemical anomalies in the deep mantle inferred from the hydrous mantle convection simulations" Dr. Takashi Nakagawa (Professor, Dept. of Earthy Science, The University of Hong Kong) | |
2019.3.25 | The 76th GRC & The 21st MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Some Petrological Effects on Subduction Dynamics" Dr. Craig R. Bina (Professor, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, Northwestern University) | |
2019.3.25 | The 75th GRC & The 20th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "The Fate of Deeply Subducted Volatiles in Earth’s Deep Mantle" Dr. Michael Walter (Director, Geophysical Lab, Carnegie Institution for Science) | |
2018.11.5 | The 74th GRC & The 19th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Rheology of Deep Earth Materials" Prof. Patrick Cordier (Universite Lille 1) | |
2018.11.5-6 | GRC & MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution" International Frontier Lecture "Rheology of Deep Earth Materials" Prof. Patrick Cordier (Universite Lille 1) | |
2018.5.28 | The 73rd GRC & The 18th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Silicon abundance in the Earth's core constrained by a multi-technique approach" Dr. Daniele Antonangeli (Sorbonne Université) | |
2018.5.25 | The 72nd GRC & The 17th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Experimental Discovery of Superionic Water with dynamic compression" Dr. Dr. Marius Millot High Energy Density Physics (High Energy Density Physics Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) | |
2018.5.16 | The 71st GRC & The 16th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Silicon abundance in the Earth's core constrained by a multi-technique approach" Prof. Eiichi Takahashi (Chinese Academy of Sciences) | |
2018.3.22 | The 70th GRC & The 15th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Recent Advancements in Multi-anvil High-pressure Science" Prof. Yanbin Wang (University of Chicago) | |
2018.3.22-23 | GRC & MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution" Interntaional Frontier Lecture "Recent advancements in multi-anvil high-pressure science" Prof. Yanbin Wang (University of Chicago) | |
2018.2.23 | The 69th GRC & The 14th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Binary phase relations between ringwoodite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase: implication for sharpness of the 660-km discontinuity" Prof. Tomo Katsura (BGI, University of Bayreuth) | |
2018.2.22-23 | GRC & MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution" International Frontier Lecture "Physics and chemistry of the Earth's mantle" Prof. Tomo Katsura (BGI, University of Bayreuth) | |
2018.1.29 | The 68th GRC & The 13th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Geodynamic mechanisms for the preservation of large-scale primordial heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle" Dr. Maxim D. Ballmer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland; ELSI, Japan) | |
2017.6.21 | The 67th GRC & The 12th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Optical measurements of the electronic and transport properties of molecular and metallic systems at deep planetary interior conditions" Dr. Stewart McWilliams (The University of Edinburgh) | |
2017.6.21 | The 67th GRC & The 12th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Stably stratified layer formed by superionic NH3 in Uranus and Neptune" Dr. Tomoaki Kimura (Tohoku University) | |
2017.5.29 | The 66th GRC & The 11th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Structural controls on fluid escape from the subduction interface" Dr. Bruno Reynard (ENS Lyon) | |
2017.5.29 | The 66th GRC & The 11th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "A laboratory-based framework for the interpretation of seismological models" Dr. Ian Jackson (Australian National University) | |
2017.5.15 | The 65th GRC & The 10th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar “Reactions between metal and silicate in the early differentiating Earth” Dr. Andrew J. Campbell (University of Chicago) | |
2017.5.15 | The 64th GRC & The 9th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Lateral temperature variation through ICB to CMB in geodynamo simulations" Dr. Hiroaki Matsui (University of California) | |
2017.5.9 | The 63nd GRC & The 8th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Experimental reproduction of mantle earthquakes analogues by antigorite dehydration & comparison with natural pseudotachylytes" Dr. Thomas Ferrand (ENS Paris) | |
2017.3.21 | The 62nd GRC & The 7th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Dynamics of the fault motion and the origin of contrasting tectonic style between Earth and Venus" Prof. Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University) | |
2017.1.16 | The 61st GRC & The 6th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Thermo-chemical-tectonic evolution of terrestrial planets: the key influence of magmatism" Prof. Paul J. Tackley (ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland) | |
2017.1.13 | The 60th GRC & The 5th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Experimental investigation into the fate of subducted carbonates and origin of super-deep diamonds" Prof. Jie Li (University of Michigan) | |
2016.11.17 | The 59th GRC & The 4th MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Carbon-bearing magmas and material transport in the deep Earth’s mantle" Prof. Konstantin Litasov (V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy) | |
2016.10.18 | The 58th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Hydrogen-enhanced electrical conductivity in olivine and other minerals" Prof. Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University) | |
2016.6.24 | The 57th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Reducing conditions in the inner Solar System, as witnessed by Mercury and Earth" Dr. Asmaa Boujibar (NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston) | |
2016.6.17 | The 56th GRC & The 3rd MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Earthquakes Great and Small: how they become large and how they evade detection " Prof. Miaki Ishii (Harvard University) | |
2016.6.16-17 | GRC & MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu "Core-Mantle Coevolution" International Lecture "Seismological constraints on the Earth's physical property" Prof. Miaki Ishii (Harvard University) | |
2016.6.3 | The 55th GRC & The 2nd MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Atmosphere-mantle Interactions Using Noble Gases" Dr. Colin Jackson (Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institute for Science) | |
2016.3.25 | The 54th GRC & The 1st MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Core-Mantle Coevolution” International Frontier Seminar "Composition and origin of the Moon" Prof. Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University) | |
2015.6.1 | The 53th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Sound Velocties by single-crystal Brillouin Spectroscopy with Laser Heatnig and Variable q: Design and Results on Olivine" Prof. Jay Bass (COMPRES and Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA) | |
2015.6.1 | The 53th GRC International Frontier Seminar "3D-FIB techniques for analysis of meteorites and high-pressure samples " Prof. Bruno Reynard (ENS Lyon, France) | |
2014.12.17 | The 52th GRC International Frontier Seminar "Ab initio equation of states for planetary and exoplanetary modeling" Dr. Stephane Mazevet (LUTH, UMR8102, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS,Université Paris Diderot, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon Cedex France. CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France.) | |
2014.10.1 | The 51th GRC International Frontier Seminar "The interface between Seismology and Mineral Physics" Prof. Brian Kennett (Research School of Earth Sciences The Australian National University) | |
2014.5.15 | The 50th GRC International Frontier Seminar "On the properties of silicate perovskite: strength - a key to understanding deep earthquake mechanism 3000 and water solubility -how big the water reservoir can be in the lower mantle" Prof. Jiuhua Chen (Center for the Study of Matters at Extreme Conditions, Florida, USA) |